Why? (nightcest)

56 1 7

Passive!night X corrupt!night

two beans that fell in love under interesting circumstances 


"Why?" Nightmare's eye slowly rose to the origin of the little voice "why what?" They were sitting in the library, reading silently in each other's company before moon's question split the silence. "Why did you...keep me and let me stay..?" Nightmare's gaze drifted from moon, off to the hundreds of bookshelves.

It's been just over a year since moon 'appeared' at his front door, unconscious, beaten and clutching a negativity apple. Although seeing moon like that made certain memories crop up he also wasn't going to let moon dust on his front step, he liked it clean. Nightmare took moon in and nursed him back to health albeit in the dungeon but beggers can't be choosers.

Moon was petrified when he first woke up, nightmare did like the boost but also didn't want the poor boy paranoid 24/7- that would just be annoying. After a few weeks, moon has come to terms with his situation fully and stopped arguing with nightmare, who rewarded his good behaviour through books and blankets. Moon loved that, immediately sitting in the corner, huddled with a book, nightmare had to replace them almost daily due to how fast moon got through them.

The two started to slowly build up a bond, through small chats about books, likes and dislikes, anything moon could come up with really- he even slowly started socializing with horror and killer. Nightmare started letting night out of the cell for meals, getting him to join the others as they ate. He was shy and very nervous but nightmare reassured him throughout the whole process.

The time he was allowed out started getting longer and longer and longer- and before anyone knew he had his own little room in the castle filled with little gifts and trinkets from the gang. He had truly started becoming a part of the gang being almost like a little brother to everyone mostly due to his still surprising childish mannarisms and height.

But him and nightmare had a closer, tighter bond. They could spend hours talking about everything and nothing, reading books together or cuddling. It was quite apparent to everyone that they were in love, even as the two valiently denied their feelings. It only took the gang organizing a secret date for them to finally accept it and confess to eachother.

Nightmare's fingers has been idly rubbing the ring moon had got it as he thought back. His eye drifted back to moon "I'm....not exactly sure" moon frowned a little "did you heal me out of pity? Or care? What was it nighty..."

Nightmare sighed "I'll admit at first I didn't care, at first I only really brought you in as a possible weapon against dream but- even than I couldn't quite make myself be completely terrible to you. There was just something about you that stopped me" moon looked down for a minute "oh-"

Moon was clearly overthinking this which made nightmare's tentacles slither and curl around him and bring him into nightmare's lap "don't overthink it idiot" moon leaned back against nightmare's chest, fiddling with one of the tentacles "sorry-" nightmare sighed and nuzzled against moon's neck gently "it's fine, I just don't want you thinking dumb stuff again" moon's cheeks dusted lightly with a soft lavender at the nuzzling "I know nighty"

"Good" nightmare smiled lightly before placing a few kisses on moon's neck making the other blush more "I love you" "I love you too moonlight


short and sweet :3

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2022 ⏰

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