チャプター ー

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"This looks like a good quest, let's take this notice to the barkeep." A diminutive neko hybrid said, reaching for the poster. Suddenly the tavern went quiet, and the barkeep could be heard dropping a glass behind the bar. "Please, I'm not that much of a curse, one mug of your finest ale please." A woman's voice said. Turning around, the neko hybrid beheld a tall muscular kitsune hybrid, her tail, smooth and thin like a neko's, dark crystal armor covering all private parts of her body, doing nothing to cover up anything else, especially the cross shaped scar on her back. "As you wish, just please take it outside." The barkeep stuttered, shakily pouring the woman's drink. "Fine with me, less people to be around." The woman said, picking up the mug and walking out of the bar. As soon as she left, the murmur resumed, this time more of a concerned whispering. "That's the one they say has been marked by the tyrant of Loftaian, isn't she?" The diminutive neko hybrid's companion, a male dark elf, asked. "Yes, the drifting adventurer, the one that was revived by the witch doctor of Leads Valley." The diminutive neko hybrid replied. "You can take that request, it should be an easy and relaxing thing compared to this morning's events, now please go, the bar's closing up." The barkeep said, ushering the patrons out the door, quickly retrieving the mug that had been set at the entrance of the bar. "Wonder if it's the fact that she's the only survivor of the party's that went to kill the tyrant king, or the fact that she was revived by a witch doctor that earns that much fear." The dark elf muttered to himself. In the darkness of the ally beside the bar, the kitsune hybrid, who'd been crying a moment before, looked up, ears twitching as she heard the words. "I thought the barkeep said this was supposed to be easy." The diminutive neko hybrid said, fending of a blow from a skeletal warrior's long sword with her daggers. "Easy compared to the events at the tavern, not easy easy." The dark elf replied, fending off his own opponent's attacks. "Yo, looks like you could use some help." A woman's voice said from behind them. turning to see who was talking, the diminutive neko hybrid was hit by the skeletal warrior's sword. "Oh dear, that's not good at all." The woman continued, appearing in a burst of purple as she swung her blade through skeletal bodies and blocking all attacks, either with her shield, or with her body armor. "Who is that?!" The dark elf asked, backing away from the woman as she cut down his opponent. "The names Tsuki, I just so happened to be looking around here for items for better armor and shields but can't help but help out any adventurer in need. Now, let's see that wound." The woman said, holding out her hand to the diminutive neko hybrid, who held out her arm, which had a dark slash cut into it. "Hmm, this is not my area of expertise, Kimura, please come look at this wound for me." The woman said, looking into the darkness. "That wound is deep, hold on and I'll heal it from here." A secondary woman's voice said from the darkness. "Doesn't that voice sound familiar?" The dark elf questioned. "Oh, you've met one another, get out here and heal it personally Kimura." Tsuki said. "Fine, promise not to be scared at my appearance." Kimura said, emerging from the shadows, familiar crystal armor gleaming darkly in the darkness of the tomb. Crouching down, Kimura removed the gas mask from her face, and looked down at the wound. "Poison, of course, undead creatures always use poison weapons, hold still, this bit of magic will sting a little." Kimura said, holding her hand over the wound. 

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