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The doctor told jimin he had a miscarriage due to low nutrition.

Jimin siad thank you for informing me,and ran out of the hospital where jungkook was waiting for him..

Jimin wouldn't tell jk what happend,he kept saying just wasn't until we get home ok I'm not in the mood.,

Time skip when they got home

Jimin and jk sat down.Jimin told jk what happend but Jimin can't help but break down in tears,the members heard him and jk crying so they came to check up on them,and when they found out they all went down and comforted them.what they didn't know is that there were filming in the other room so the army could hear them.

A couple years later 2015

Jm and jk tried for another baby and when they got the results Jimin screeched with excitement "IM PREGNANT"

All the members came into the room and congratulated jm and jk..

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