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Meredith is stumbling up the stairs with her arms full of groceries cursing herself for not taking the elevator.. she thought that it would take too long since it was at the top when she was at the bottom and she was worried about the milk and ice cream since she had the brilliant idea of walking to the store and sight seeing Seattle a little.. She huffed to her door out of breath and cheeks beet red..

She dangled her keys on her finger trying to find the right one when they slipped off her scrawny fingers and crashed against the floor... she cursed herself again and tried to balance the bags in her arms as she lowered herself when she saw someone reach down and grab the keys...

She looked up meeting a pair of sharp blue eyes and a sneaky grin... she smiled back a little taken back as he handed her the keys and took one of the bags out of her hand..

"Uhh.. thank you." She said with a nod and a questioning look..

"Mark." He smiled "Mark Sloan.. I'm actually your neighbor."

"Oh." She said raising her brow in surprise "Its nice to meet you, I'm Meredith Grey." They shake hands awkwardly "I live here with um, Derek my-"

"Boyfriend?" he grinned..

"Yes." She smiled curiously, "How did you know?"

"I'm your neighbor." He chuckled "And judging by the sounds coming through the thin apartment walls the other night I'd hope he wasn't your brother."

Her mouth fell agape as her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.. she pressed her lips together and cleared her throat trying not to giggle herself and making a mental note of the situation..

"So what brings you to Seattle?" he asked changing the subject...

"Oh, we're actually starting med school at the University of Washington."

"Excellent." He grins "Sounds like we'll have a lot more in common... I'm a second year resident at Seattle Grace Hospital and so is my wife."

"Your wife?"

"Yeah, Addison.. she's in neonatal and I'm in plastics."

"Oh I met her." She gasped "Wow she's a doctor? I thought surely she was a model or something."

"She gets that a lot." Mark laughed "She's a girl to the core, but she really cares about what she does."

"Good." She smiled "She sounds like a good doctor."

"Hey why don't you and Derek come over tomorrow night, we can grill some steaks, drink some beer.. and make up for the noise violations." He chuckled.. Meredith giggled and shook her head as her cheeks burned again...

"Sounds good." She smiled "I'll let Derek know."

He nodded and went to his door as she walked into hers smiling... Derek was putting together the electronics in the living room and looked up seeing her come in..

He immediately jumped up and rushed to take the bags out of her hands with a grateful look happy to see her home he leaned in and quickly brushed her lips wit his...

"Hey, how was your walk."

"More than I thought." She said winded "But I met our neighbor... he's really nice."

"How nice?" he asked skeptically as he started to help her put the groceries away...

"Married nice." She giggled... "And we're having dinner with them tomorrow night."

"Mmmm." He hummed as he rubbed up against her in the kitchen "Dinner sounds good I'm a little... hungry."

She giggled and closed her eyes as she felt his lips nipping at her neck and let out a soft moan as she whispered...

"Groceries... then sex... and we have to be quieter."

"Why..." he whined as his lips continued their attack, she let out a giggle...

"Because apparently the walls are thin."

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