Untitled Part 1

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It's your first day of school at a new high school, the beginning of your Junior year. You clamber your way downstairs and tug your fingers through your hair, trying to get out at least some of the tangles before your morning cup of coffee. You mumble a greeting to your dad and step around the table to get to the counter, peeking at his newspaper as you go past. The article he's looking at mentions something about a new kind of coffin that turns people's bodies into compost. It looks fairly interesting, but definitely not the way you want to start your morning. 

( https://www.positive.news/environment/introducing-the-eco-coffin-which-composts-your-body-after-death/ )

You grab the coffee that he set aside for you and take a sip. Perfect. "Thank you!" you chirp, the taste already brightening your mood.

"Of course, sweetheart. Do you have everything in your backpack for today?"

"Mhm! I double-checked last night," you answer.

He just smiles back, then goes back to reading his paper. "That's my girl. Go get ready, we don't want you to be late!"

You finish your coffee, then run back up the stairs to get ready for the day. What impression do I want to give? Or do I just want to be comfortable? After a minute of consideration, you decide to wear the following outfit:

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You pull your hair back into a messy ponytail, hurry and apply some mascara, then call it a day and grab your pin-covered backpack before heading back downstairs.

"I'm going to school! Love you, Dad!"

You hop into your car and drive off, a sunny smile never leaving your face.

This is going to be a good day.

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