Untitled Part 2

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You pull into the school parking lot and take a deep breath before getting out and heading inside. The school is massive, especially compared to the other school you went to before this. You pull up your schedule on your phone, then try to find your way through the maze of halls and random dead ends. It's okay! I'll find my way around eventually! I still have...ten minutes before my first  class starts.

You wander around for two of those ten minutes when you're stopped by a hand on your shoulder.

"Hey," a deep, smooth voice says. "You've walked past this spot about ten times in the last ten minutes. Are you lost?"

You turn around as they let go of your shoulder and you look up to meet their eyes. "Uh, kind of. Yes. Yeah. Um- could you just show me to room two-oh-three? Math?" you ask after a moment. Why is he so pretty? And his hair looks so soft and- no! Snap out of it! I can fangirl over him later!

He chuckles softly and you can't help but melt inside. He tugs his hand through his sandy-blond hair, making it look messier than it did before, but it suits him. He scans over you with those piercing blue eyes before he speaks up again. You don't know how you feel about that look, but you quickly pay attention to what he's saying. "I'm actually going there, too. You can just come with me, and I could take you to your next class afterwards!"

"Uh- y-yeah, sure!"

"Hey, my name's Damien, by the way. What's yours?" he asks after a minute, turning to look at you to make sure you're following him.

You quickly walk up behind him, desperate to not get lost again. "It's y/n! Pleasure to meet you."

He gives you a look that you can't quite decipher, but it's gone within seconds. Maybe I just imagined it, you think. You brush it off and shoot him a sweet smile, which he immediately returns before he looks ahead again.

"And we're here!" he announces suddenly, causing you to let out a frustrated huff. You had just spent ten minutes looking, and it was only a two-minute walk away? "Hey, don't get too upset about it. This school is confusing. I got lost all the time my freshman year, so there's nothing to worry about. You'll get used to it."

"Yeah.. Thank you, Damien! You really didn't have to."

Instead of saying anything, he gives you another gentle smile, then goes inside and finds a seat in the back of the room. You hesitate, then go in and sit next to him. He looks at you in surprise, but that expression soon melts into one softer and more at ease. He strikes up a small conversation with you, and you almost don't notice the fact that nobody is sitting at any of the desks right next to the two of you. Almost.

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