Movie Night

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Trina fired up the VCR, her husband running into the room with popcorn right after her. He set down the buttery snack on the small table near the end of the couch before sliding on his knees to help her with the tapes. Mendel knew that Trina was absolutely horrible with every little detail that had to be paid attention to when it came to setting up the VCR and actually getting a tape in without ruining it. The last time Trina really tried to set up the VCR without Mendel’s help, well, at least three tapes were completely unraveled and spilled out onto the floor, as well as a completely wrecked and sobbing Trina, full of apologies and tears.

“If you do it by yourself this time, then maybe you won’t need my help anymore!”

“But Mendel, I’m gonna ruin your favorite movie...”

“I don’t care if you do that, honestly, just cuddling with you is all I need on nights like this. Nights that I finally have precious alone time with my favorite woman in the world. My darling, ruin my favorite movie, ruin the VCR entirely, no matter what happens, as long as I have you, it doesn’t matter what I’m doing, what movie I’m watching, etc.” Mendel tried his hardest to try to tell her that it didn’t matter if she fucked up his movies and that his material possessions mattered less to him than enjoying time with her, but Trina was a stubborn one.

“Honestly, your charm is bewitching, but that doesn’t mean you can make me do it by myself. I’m so bad at this. Del, honey, just because you flatter me and make me blush until I’m as red.. um.. as a chili pepper.. that doesn’t mean I won’t absolutely fuck every step of this process up. I can’t do it. Believe me, I cannot do it.” Trina whimpered, utterly overpowered with thoughts of what occurred last time she tried to figure out this stupid, gray box that made the tv play movies. She wanted to do it by herself, but she had zero confidence she wouldn’t ruin everything.

Mendel took her arm in his reassuring grasp, giving it a slight squeeze before sliding his hand down to hers. “I’ll guide your hand if you’re doing something wrong, while you try to do what you think is right, ok?” With his wife giving a tiny nod, she slowly moved her hand to the completely wrong button. She looked into his eyes for a sense of reassurance, a comforting look, anything, but instead, Mendel didn’t even give her the slightest glance, he just pulled her hand over to the right button and waited for her to press it.

“I can’t do this.” Trina’s hand slipped out of Mendel’s and she covered her face. Tears began to swell in her eyes and slowly pour down her cheeks.

“Dearest, you’re a very dramatic woman.” Mendel giggled a slight bit as his wife’s face scrunched up with annoyance. He couldn’t help but laugh when she got mad when they both knew that she was being over-the-top melodramatic. “There is no amount of measurement that could determine how dramatic you are being right now, my love.”

“Dramatic? Really? Me? Dramatic? Impossible. Of course I’m not dramatic. I’m never dramatic. How could you even-” Trina was interrupted by an overbearing sarcastic apology for being a jackass and calling her dramatic.

“I’m so incredibly sorry for calling you dramatic. You’re absolutely never EVER dramatic. I have no idea how I could even THINK of even getting NEAR to calling you dramatic, dear god, I am SUCH an asshole. Calling you dramatic was such an unforgivable mistake that I have no idea how my stupid ass could ever EVER make it up to you. My dearest Trina, please, explain how a lowly soul such as I could possibly make it up to a non-dramatic goddess such as you! I wish I could take back calling you dramatic, as it was such an UNGODLY mistake. I-”

“Shut up.” Trina understood that she was being childish when it came to being defensive over something ridiculous such as being called dramatic. She never let Mendel go that long teasing her, which did indeed bother her a fair amount, so instead of being mature like she assumed she would respond, she decided to get back at him with some easy shots about his height. God, was he short.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2022 ⏰

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