Chapter 43

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I'm now really starting to think that the regular gods have it out for me, because the past few days after running into Harry on the street, I have now been seeing his face everywhere. It's like every time I step outside, I see his stupid attractive face on some magazine or some sign or something. It's like he won't leave me alone now.

And it's pissing me off.

I left Eden Falls and everything because I wanted to get away from it, but it's like now the fucking past is catching up with me. It's here to say, "It's been too long Diana."

You can't run away forever Diana. Subconscious I've missed you. Please note my sarcasm.

I think my less than stellar attitude is also starting to worry Remi more than he already does. He's picked up on the way I don't really want to talk to him over dinner, or the way I kind of dodge his lips from pressing against mine. I've barely spent any time with him in the last four days.

He's worried about my health again to extreme extent, and I think that's part of the reason why I don't want to be around him too much.

But, I also know it also has to do with someone else.

I still have no idea on whether or not I should tell Remi about Harry. Some part of me says that I should because Harry being back could be something that concerns Remi. But another part of me doesn't want to say anything because I want to keep Harry close to me.

Like some scared oath only I know about.

"We should go on a walk." I pick my head up at said boyfriend, my finger coming up to mark where I was in my book. The same book Cornelia was giving me shit about for rereading constantly. I don't know, it's just something about the writing that seems familiar.

"Hmm," I hum back, barely taking my eyes off the book. I'm at the best part of the whole thing. When Hendrix finally confesses to Adora that he loves her.

Adora and Hendrix in high school are the cutest thing ever. It's when you get to them being older and going on with separate lives and reconnect but they realize that the people they once were are different from who they are now. It's heartbreaking but also like a breath of fresh air because it feels so real.

"I said we should go on a walk. It's too nice out to be stuck inside all day," Remi says again as he walks towards me and places a hand on my bare leg, his thumbing rubbing back and forth. And something about it makes me want to pull away from his touch.

Has he touch always felt this foreign to me? Four years together and I'm now just realizing that.

"I'm reading Rem," I reply back, looking out the window at the bustling city below me. The sun shining high and bright in the sky. "And anyways I have some work I need to get done later. A new edition to the show at the end of this month and I need to get it done sooner rather than later." I stand up from the window sill, an idea popping into my head. "Actually I might just go into the office now to start working on that."

Remi stops me from walking any further from him. His hand comes up to cup my cheek when I face him and his eyes bore into mine. "Are you sure you're alright. Everything feels okay."

"I'm fine Rem," I smile softly, doing anything I can to get him to believe me. I shake my head lightly and pull away from him. "Really, I am. Just busy that's all."

"Maybe I can bring you lunch later," Remi calls as I walk back to our room. I don't respond to him, instead slipping on some shoes and grabbing my bag before heading towards the door. Remi of course waiting there for me with a wary but thoughtful smile.

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