Chapter 1: I'll Take Camp

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AGGRAVATED ASSAULT. Yeah right. I didn't even lay a finger on that girl, let alone hit her. But, alas, she has money, so she always wins. And now I find myself in court with a crappy lawyer.

" You have two options F/N L/N. You can go to jail, or you can go to Camp Green Lake," Says the judge.

"I-I'll take camp," I respond. And with one wack of a gavel, I'm sent to camp.
Hey, at least the bus ride isn't all that bad. Besides the excruciating boredom. But other than that, it's not terrible. It's more of a long-sit-in-silence-and-think-about-what-you've-done sort've thing. Though since I didn't do anything I have nothing to think about. And that makes the ride even more boring. I decide to take a nap until we arrive at this 'character building' camp.
The bus comes to a sudden stop and I get forced forward. The bus doors open and I start walking towards them. I step out and a very scary looking guy greets me unenthusiastically.

"Welcome to Camp Green Lake I'm- You're a girl?!" Says the guy.

" I mean I'm not a boy, am I?" I say back. I know I'm a little smart with my answers. I especially know that it won't earn the likings of anyone here, but oh well.

"No need to be smart with me. It's just that normally girls don't come here. I'm Mr. Sir. When you talk to me you refer to me by my name. Got it?"

"Okay Mr. Sir," I say. Mr. Sir leads me to his office and hands me two orange jumpsuits. One is for work and one is for relaxation.

"The suits get washed every three days. One is for work and one is for relaxation. Once the work one is dirty, the relaxation one becomes the work one,"Says Mr. Sir.

"M'kay Mr. Sir,"

"You'll be sleeping in D Tent. One of the kids had to go to the hospital, so you'll be sleeping in his place until he gets back,"

"Okay Mr. Sir," I say. He leads me to the tent and it's full of boys. Their jaws drop when they see me. I think- no. I know they were probably expecting another boy.

"ITS A GIRL?!" Yells a boy. His cheeks immediately flush crimson red realizing how loud he was.

"Yup, were you expecting a boy?" I say as I set my stuff down on an empty bed.

"I mean yeah,I kinda was, cause this is an all boy camp. Anyways let me introduce myself. I'm armpit," He says.

"Sorry about him, he's a little crazy. I'm X-ray,"

"I'm Magnet,"

"Yo, I'm Zigzag,"


"I-I'm Zero,"

"Well, nice to meet you all. I'm Y/N," I say.
Just then a boy walks in the tent drinking from a canteen. He has curly hair under a red cap. Of course he has on the standard bright orange jumpsuit. He doesn't look half bad in that jumpsuit, which is surprising considering not many people can rock one.

" Oh! W-Who's this?" The boy says.

"I'm the new 'camper' here. My name's Y/N," I say back.

"It's nice to meet you! I'm Stanley, but everyone here calls me Caveman," Says Stanley.

"I'll stick to Stanley if that's okay with you,"

" That's fine! Anyways, brace yourself for tomorrow, the first hole is the hardest,"

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