Chapter 8: He Knows

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IT'S MY FOURTH month at the camp notorious for making a bad boy dig a hole. How did I even end up here? I quickly get woken up from my thoughts by the sound of Mr. Pendanski yelling at us to get up. I hurriedly get up and run to the shed that says "library" on top. I grab my shovel first, making sure not to get the short one. Everyone else drags behind me. As we walk out Stanley catches up to me at the front of the line.

"Good morning Y/N!" Stanley says with an ear to ear smile.

"Morning!" I respond. We start talking about what we're going to do once we're free from this hell hole.

"8 months left I think. Honestly, I lost track of the months awhile ago," I say, as I shovel some dirt.

"Trust me, we all did," Stanley says, while chuckling. Soon after I finish my hole. I wipe the sweat off my forehead and go to Stanley's hole.

"You're done already?" Stanley asks.

"Yup," I say back with a small smile.

"I'll see you back at camp," I say, as I kiss Stanley's cheek. His face goes crimson red and I chuckle. As I walk away I can hear X-Ray say,

"Seriously, how did Stanley get a girlfriend before me?" I laugh a bit. While I walk back to camp, Mr. Sir stops me and says,

"I know about your relationship with Mr. Yelnats," Well damn.

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