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i walk the halls,
simply with a backpack on my shoulders
and a book in my hands

but i am stopped?
oh of course,
my legs are to visible and my shoulders,
to exposed

"stop young lady"
clothes to inappropriate apparently,
for my age and shape
and they feel the need to tell me

that i'm distracting a boy,
"young lady"
that's what they call me,
but it's not what they think of me when they see my clothes

and they don't think about the constant sexualization i face,
no, because i'm only a "young lady"

skirt to short, shirt to tight, face to caked
i respect my age, and i act it
i am simply myself
and i am not "asking for it"

i am wearing what i want, and i am saying what i want
my shoulders and knees, have no effect on a little boy
your words though,
they have an effect on me

you act as though i want my body to be dissected
as if i want men to stare at me all day
no, i wear what i wear because i am me
and i will not change it for a boy

who cant control himself when there's a shoulder in sight
or when he sees a girls thigh

that boy is weak minded
and if you are defending him,
by telling me to change

perhaps you are the problem,
and you should change
for i am here for myself
and will not be bothered
to care about another's feelings on my body

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