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TW: past self-harm

Kya lay awake one morning, Lin peacefully sleeping on top of the older girl. Kya gently ran her hands up and down Lins sides, she had felt every inch of the earth benders skin, kissed every scar, or so she thought. Kya stopped her hands as she felt thin lines of slightly raised skin on her girlfriends thighs.

"Lin?" Kya asked softly. She hadn't seen or felt these scars before which meant they were most likely old and faded but she still worried.

"hmm?" Lin mumbled

"never mind you can go back to sleep" Kya sighed

"nah I need to get up soon anyways for work" Lin sighed looking up at Kya

"no I can ask about it later get some rest you still have 20 minutes until you need to be up." Kya said not wanting to pry

Lin looked confused for a moment before she realized where Kyas hand still was gently tracing the lines. "you don't need to worry about those they're years old" Lin dismissed

"Sorry it's just I hadn't noticed them before, if you ever wanna talk I'm here" Kya said and Lin nodded laying her head back down on kyas chest.

"your hearts beating realy hard, anything you wanna talk about?" Lin asked

"I'm sorry to pry, but what caused you to hurt your self?" Kya asked her hand moving to the light scars on her own side, a nervous habit, she wasn't sure if Lin even knew they were there, the metal bender had never said anything about it before.

"it's stupid" Lin muttered

"if it caused you to hurt your self it wasn't stupid at the time" Kya said

"I guess just work stress, I was the youngest to become lieutenant in  years and everyone was accusing my mom of favoritism. Because of that she would get annoyed and then she would get angry at home, saying she wished she had never promoted me because all it's done has cause her trouble." Lin sighed before continuing "the night after she said it for the first time I was bending off my armor to get ready for bed, I was distracted so I accidentally cut myself with a piece from it. it was just a small cut on my thigh but something about it was some how comforting. Later that night in the shower I bent a blade out of my razor and added more. After that I promised myself it was a one time thing and I'd never do it again. But a few weeks later mom went out drinking, she came back drunk, she always did. She yelled at me saying it was my fault the press wouldn't leave her alone, and I was the reason she was drinking again" Lin said light tears starting to fall down her cheeks.

Kya quickly wiped them away. "you don't have to continue if you don't want to"

"no, it's good to talk about it. Anyways I cut again that night, after that it was just something I did after a bad day. It went on for months until one night Su found me passed out in the shower from blood loss. After that I promised myself I would never do it again, I hated the look of horror on Su's face when I woke up to her screaming and shouting at me. It was hard but eventually I got rid of the habit and haven't done it since. " Lin finished

"thank you for telling me" Kya said

"can you tell me about yours?" Lin asked

"I wasn;t sure you knew about them" Kya sighed

"I saw them awhile ago I just didn't know how to bring it up" Lin said and Kya nodded.

"it started when I was probably 18, I had just come out to my parents, Aang of course soported me, but Katara didn't talk to me for days. I was so worried that she was gonna throw me out that I packed my bags ready to leave, but she found them that night and shouted, a lot. She grounded me from leaving the island for a month, it was so unfair, that I cut as some sort of rebellion I guess. Katara never found out, she still doesn't know, I don't plan for her to ever. Cutting was my way to have control over something since she decided to control the rest of my life. We've obviously made up since then, and I stopped cutting years ago, Haven't even been tempted to cut since we got together." Kya smiled at Lin who gently kissed her.

"damn it now I realy don't wanna have to get ready" Lin cursed as Kya chuckled.

A/N I love giving even more trauma to my Kins :)

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