Chapter 15 : My Savior

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Tess's POV

It's the day of the press conference and I'm nervous.

I finally got my speech finished but, speaking formally isn't really my thing.

I continuously scan the crowd for Laya but I don't see her.

It's been over a week since we went out and she still won't talk to me.

I shouldn't have said those things to her but I was hurting. I thought we were getting closer, that we might be able to fix us, but, she only sees me as a friend.

I finally present my speech and it goes more smoothly than I thought it would. The mayor gives me a thumbs up  and as I'm going to take my seat, I hear something whizzing through the air.

I turn towards the sound and as the moment I do, Laya stops an arrow mere centimeters from my heart.

The security guards quickly grab the mayor and lead him to safety as Laya tosses the arrow to the ground. "Pay attention."

My eyes widen as she storms off and I watch as her task force pulls seven masked men in front of the stage.

I make my way down and stand behind Laya as she begins her interrogation. "Remove their masks."

Her men remove the masks from their faces so that Laya can stare into their souls. "Who sent you?"

They all stared back at her coldly, none uttering a word. She frowns and swiftly kicks one of them in the jaw knocking him out cold.

The others jump at the sight and her eyes glow red as she growls at them. "Speak!"

One begins to speak in Russian but I don't know enough to understand what he's saying.

Without another word, Laya waves a hand and her team carry the men away leaving me stunned and confused. "So you're not even going to attempt to explain to me what just happened?"

She sighs and stalks off, but I quickly begin to follow. "Don't worry about it. I've got it handled."

I roll my eyes and reach for her arm. "Laya please can we just ta-" As my fingers brush against her arm she quickly snatches it away and holds a blade to my throat.

I gulp as I look into her eyes, seeing a mixture of anger, hurt, and even a little fear. "Don't. Fucking. Touch me."

I hold up my hands as she walks away. "Well I guess that Means she's still mad at me."

I sigh and begin to walk away with my hands in my pockets when I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

I look off into the distance and I can see a man in the trees aiming his bow at Laya and my heart stops.

I feel as if time begins to slow down.

How does she not sense this herself?

My body moves without me even thinking. 

I flinch slightly as my arms wrap around her body and the arrow pierces through my back.

"NOOO!" Laya reaches for one of her knives and launches it as hard as she can at the man in the tree knocking him off of his perch and onto the ground in a heap.

I fall to my knees as the blood begins to clog my throat.

This arrow is made of pure silver and I can feel the metal burning me from within. The pain is so searing, so intense, that I can hardly keep my eyes open.

I feel Laya softly caressing my face as tears pour from her eyes." Tess! Baby stay with me please!"

I smile weakly as I gently caress her cheek. My vision is beginning to blur but, I feel at peace knowing the last thing I will see is her face.

"Tess baby please! You can't leave me like this, you can't!" I lean back against a tree feeling the weakness take over as she kneels beside me. "I...had to"

It hurt to utter those last words, but I had to let her know that she meant more to me than my own life.

Laya's POV

I wail in agony as I watch Tess's eyes shut. "No no no! Please baby don't go!"

I cover her body with my own as I feel a pain that I've never felt before. It's as if my heart has literally been ripped from my body and I can hardly breathe.

When we separated, I felt pain.

I cried for days purely because I missed her and I was hurt by what she did.

I always knew she was okay though.

She was always alive, she was still out there somewhere.

Now she's gone.

She's gone and I don't know how I'm going to go on without her.

Suddenly, i feel arms grabbing at me and pulling me away from her. "No. No no stop! What are you doing?!"

I didn't even realize I was surrounded.

When did they sneak up on me? Where was my squad?

I look up and see two of them trying to pick up Tess and all I see is red.

I slam the men that are holding me into the ground,breaking their skulls.

My eyes glow red as my primal instincts take over entirely.

"GET AWAY FROM HER!" I growl before ripping them to shreds.

I must have killed over thirty men before they are able to over power me.

They shackle my hands and feet together and roughly secure a muzzle over my face.

When they throw me into the back of a truck, I watch helplessly as they grab Tess's body and throw her into the back of a separate truck.

I try my best to yell and buck myself free but nothing works as my bindings are too tight. "'re going to hurt yourself."

I quickly turn to see Hannah, Jake, and a few other members of my squad tied up in the truck with me, all of them looking as if they were beaten mercilessly.

The color drains from my face as I go to reach out for them but I am unable to move.

"It's okay boss. We're alright." Jake says as he gives me a weak grin.

Tears form in my eyes as I realize that I am ultimately powerless.

I can't get to my lover nor can I care for my team.  I have failed them all.

I hang my head in shame as the truck begins to move.

How could this have happened? How could they have gotten through all of our defenses and taken down my whole team?

I look out the back window at the truck that's holding Tess's body.

My heart aches at the thought of it and for the remainder of the ride, all I can do is cry at the loss of my love and the demise of my squad.

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