"well you aren't going to find a better place than this!" My boss yelled, anger fueled in his eyes, I used to work as a waitress, he is a horrible boss. He complained about the smallest things and would constantly blame it on me if one of the waitresses messed up. "Watch me!" As I left the restaurant, there were some really nice people I served, but most of them were Karens.

I stormed off the restaurant, and walked angerly and nervous. How should i pay rent now? Money has been really tight...

I wandered around the sidewalk, the smell of food shops, stands, and poppies, taking over. I was in my state of mind, thinking about what have  I done, do I regret it?

well sorta, if it was paying the rent, I would have loved it. But also, I have never felt comfortable with the staff or the costumers. I also wanted to focus on my passion, being a musician. Now you might be thinking, "Y/n how can you be a musician, you worked at a restaurant?!" Well.

There was this guy, Derek I believe his name was, and he was an amazing person. He used to play guitar and sing, it made the restaurant glow. His voice and his guitar skills were amazing. He even taught me how to play and sing, "you see y/n, I believe that one day, you'll be an amazing musician! I can tell your a natural! Just do what makes you comfortable alright?" Derek's words before getting kicked out of the restaurant. It was sad, but motivated me to do the same. Thanks Derek

As I was walking around, I find a guy, putting on some fliers. I went to check them, maybe there something important?

And oh my deary my

There is


Looking for musicians to add, please call this number: _____________________Address will be provided-charles green_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-__--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_

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Looking for musicians to add, please call this number: _____________________
Address will be provided
-charles green

Hm... Okay here me out...!
There's a chance I might get the job
What if I don't?

I took the flier with me, I was not sure what to do. But I felt like it's the only thing that is going to help me.

I walked back to my apartment, feeling a bit overwhelmed, Should I do this?

I looked at my phone and then the flier...

It's now or never....
I came back to my house, hoped onto my bed

I called him

love is written in songs~ cg5 x readerWhere stories live. Discover now