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"Your hired."

My racing heart finally jumped with joy! I DID IT!

"alright!  See you on Monday!"  Mr green said.
"thank you Mr green-"  as I got cut of by a finger on my lips
"oh please,  no need to be formal!  It's gonna make this job boring.  Call me Charlie!" He,  or Charlie said as he removed his finger .  I don't know if anyone realised this, but there was a sight of faint blush on me ,  just small. 

no y/n it's just your not used to sudden physical touch.


I had to go tell Claire,  so I thanked Charlie,  and got a taxi. To drop me to her café.

I walked in and saw one of the baristas,  I think it was Cheryl,. I didn't know much about her.  But she is Claire's manager.
"what's wrong dear you seem lost?"
She questioned.

"oh no!  It's nothing! By any chance have you seen Claire?"

"Oh yeah,  she's at the last table,  she isn't...well in her usual mood I'd say"  those words made me feel weird,  Claire is a very optimistic person. She would feel sad if something changed her life in a... Bad way.

Oh shoot.

I thanked the manager,  and walked over to Claire, she looked kinda mad..  Or something is in her chest and won't get out.

"heyo!  What's wrong?"  I asked

"oh huh?  Hey.  I'm just worried about derek,"  she said. " a week ago,  he just was at a party last night,  and got pressured into drinking.  Now he can't go anywhere without a drink of cider." 

"already?!  Man I would feel the same if I were you,  Derek is like a brother to me and your like a sister, I'll try to help you all."   I responded,  it didn't seem right...  Derek?  Becoming an alcoholic?

"yeah.. I'm trying to get him out of it, thanks.. "  she said

We talked for a while, I comforted her,  and gave her advice,  the thing that scared me was,  if Derek would get abusive.  I also told her about my new job!

She supported my job and told me to do what makes me happy.  We ended up talking till the clock hit twelve.

We said our goodbyes,  and I decided to take a walk,  since the weather felt nice  and calmin-

"hey y/n!"  I turn around to look at a familiar face,  Charlie...

"oh!  Uhh,  hey Charlie!" I returned the greeting.

"so what brings you here? Coffee palace eh?"  Charlie teased.

"well my friend works there,  and they recently had a tough time,  like it's been hard for them to work.  So I came along to help her,  you know, like best friends?"

"awww y/n,  your a sweetheart!"  he said  his energy being bubbly. I honestly didn't know why but this man had a charm.  A good one. Y/N! 

"oh,  uhh,  hehe thanks!"  I thanked him.

"if you don't mind,  can I walk you home?"

"oh no,  Charlie it's fine!"  I rejected.  "please?  I insist."

I sighed "alright"

We were walking to the direction of my house, it wasn't that far,  coffee palace is near to my house by 15 minutes so it wouldn't be a problem for me-

"who is this" friend",  that you wanted to give a tribute to? " he asked

" hm? "
" the one That you mentioned,  the interview? "

"oh,  that's Derek,  I used to work as a waitress and let's just say it wasn't the best job,  Derek however,  cheered me up at those times by teaching me how to play his guitar,  he used to play inside the restaurant,  sadly the boss kicked him out."  I said

"oh,  I'm so sorry y/n"

"it's fine boss-"  I said.  "I mean Charlie." 

He chuckled,  we did talk about alot of things,  like  vocalist,  and why it's hard,  he also mentioned that he knew how to produce music.  Which I found really cool.  The conversation had sadly ended when we reached my house, I thanked Charlie,  and apologized if I was a borden,  but he didn't mind and insisted that it was a pleasure.  And we said goodbyes.

I walked in my house,  took a warm shower,  changed into pjs,  and layed in my bed,  my back on the soft mattress and the soft blankets.

I wish the conversation lasted longer than it was....

(A/N: MISSED ME?!  WELP,  I now updated  :)))  drink water and eat food please :")  and have a good day/afternoon/evening)   

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