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This one is the newest one,she's the doll or SCP-9802

This one is the newest one,she's the doll or SCP-9802

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She's a living doll who acts human,she's safe class. She is wonderful children of the ages between 1-19 the reason why is that she considers 19 year olds kids still because they have teen in the name. If the number doesn't have teen she acts cold and stand offish. She is in a 8 by 9 room duo to her needing much space for and I quote "Kids to have play room" so most of her room is decorated for children of 1-19 once again. She doesn't harm anyone. She was founded in an house after cops were called because they heard screaming and then a gun shot,they were two parents on the ground the husband bleeding out and the wife crying beside him with the gun. They soon found in the basement a child holding the living doll. The child's name was Abigail. The doll often says. "Where is Abigail?" "Have you seen Abigail? I must protect her" "Abigail must be so scared without me" we have come to the conclusion that Abigail's home life was not the best. The dolls name or what Abigail have her is "Hanna,Hanna Niki."

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