5. Secrets

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Rayne POV:

"Guys-" I was interrupted by Yuna yelling. 

"No?! Hugh Laurie and Chris Martin do not look like each other!" She says looking over at Axel in disgust. 

"Yes, they do," Axel pulls out his phone, "Look!" He shows Yuna a picture of Hugh Laurie and Chris Martin together.  

"Hugh looks so much older than Chris!" Yuna says.

"Rayne, what do you think? Does Hugh Laurie and Chris Martin look like each other?" Axel says, showing the picture to me. I take his phone and shut it off. He looks down.

"They kinda do-" I started, 

"Told you! HA!" Axel says looking back up, pointing at Yuna. 

I give Axel back his phone, "We're here by the way."

"Oh!" Axel and Yuna say in unison. 

"Here lemme text my friend," Axel says, turning his phone back on.

I stop my music and Yuna starts gathering her things.

"It was just getting to the good part.." Yuna says. 

"Of what?" I ask.

"The song!" She opens the car door and gets out. 

"Yeah, it was." I get out of the car, and Axel follows. 

"Ok my friend said he's at the food court so could we go there?" Axel asks slamming the car door closed.

"Yeah of course!" I say, locking the car. I start walking and everyone follows.

There are a few shops right in front of you going into the mall—some clothing shops to the right and some game and toy stores on the left. The food court is on the second floor so we start heading to the escalators. 

"If we're at the food court," Yuna started, "Can we get something to drink? Please, I'm dying of thirst. " 

"Sure," I say walking the rest of the stairs up. "I'm also pretty thirsty."

"Same here," Axel says, following me up. 

"Wait for me you douchebags!" Yuna says.

"Not my fault you can't keep up with me!" I say.

"Well, I guess it's not my fault that you quit softball," Yuna says running up the rest of the way.

"DU-DE," I yell.

"L," Yuna says to me. 

We walk to the food court. I see Axel look around and wave. The same dude I saw at the cafe comes over. 

I hear them say hi, and give that "bro" half hug.

"Oh- Ry, this is Yuna," Axel points to Yuna. She waves. "And t-this is Rayne." I wave.

"Nice to meet both of you! I'm Ryker." He gives out both of his hands to shake. Yuna blushes when she shakes his hand. I giggle. 

"Alright, so this mother fucker over here," Ryker points at Axel, "tells me we're going to the arcade?"

"Yup," I say. I put my hands in my jacket pockets.

"Which way is it again?" Yuna asks. 

"Urm, down that way, to the left-" I say. She starts walking to the right. "The other left." 

"Oh-" She wipes her hands on her dress and walks the other way. We all follow. 

After we pay for the game cards, we head off in different directions. Ryker hangs around Yuna, so that leaves me with Axel. 

Idiot..Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя