~ Day 1!~

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One evening in the summer, there was a karate class. It was very special. There were about 30 people in their dojo. Most people there had black hair. Two had blonde hair, one had brown, and one had pink hair. It was also all of their first days in karate.

Sensei: Hi, and welcome to Dylan's Dojo! In this class, our goal is to learn how to do basic fights in karate. Before we get started, can some of you introduce yourselves? Hmm, how about you, with the spiky hair?

Spiky Hair Guy: Uh hi everyone! My name is Jiraya, and I love karate. I've never got a chance to actually do some, but I adored watching other people. Now I'm brave enough to try it! Thank you. 

(The class claps.)

(Jiraya sits down.)

Sensei: Thank you for that. Hmm, what about you, with the brown hair?

Brown Hair Guy: Hi guys! My name is Aiger and I have 2 reasons why I'm here. Number 1: I just decided that I might try out karate for a little. Number 2: My mom basically forced me to join karate. Wellp, I hope I enjoy it! Thank you for listening.

(The class claps, but louder than Jiraya's.)

(Aiger sits down.)

Sensei: Wow! Thank you for that! Now, how about.... you! With the pink hair in pigtails!

Pink Haired-Girl In Pigtails: M-me?

Sensei: Yes, you.

Pink Haired-Girl In Pigtails: Oh.. ok...

(She stands up.)

Pink Haired-Girl In Pigtails: Uh.. Hi everyone.. my name is Nika. I wanted to join karate because... um.. I want to learn something other than being a neat girl. The first thing that popped in my mind was.. karate. So here I am... I'm also really um.. shy... but that won't stop me from learning karate. T-Thank you for listening..

(The class claps really loudly! Nika was proud of herself!!)

(She sits down.)

Sensei: Wow! It sounds like you guys had great speeches! Alrighty, just to be nice, I'll give you 10 minutes to chat and make some friends! Timer starts... now! Have fun!

(All of the girls immediately come to Nika.)

Random girl with long black hair: Wow girl, I love your hair! Did you dye your hair pink? Or is it naturally like that? 

Nika: Um, it's natural. What's your name?

Long black-haired girl: My name is Abigail. Her name is Akira, her name is Hallie, and her name is Penelope. Congrats, you're in the popular girls' group now! 

Nika: I am? Wow thanks!

Abigail: No problem! 

(They keep chatting about other random stuff. Meanwhile...)

(Jiraya approaches Aiger with his gang beside him.)

Jiraya: Ayo, Aiger! 

Aiger: What?

Jiraya: 'Sup?

Aiger: Nothing much...

Random guy from Jiraya's gang: I liked your introduction today. My mom also forced me to join karate, but I didn't want to say it because it would be embarassing, but when I heard yours, it gave me confidence. By the way, the name's Chiro.

Aiger: Cool!

(They talk about random stuff for the remaining time.)

(After 10 minutes is over..)

Aiger and Nika at Martial ArtsWhere stories live. Discover now