~ Day 2! ~

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The next day during the afternoon, at the dojo, Sensei made an announcement.

Sensei: Hey guys, welcome back to my dojo! First, I forgot to give the prize to the person who did a front kick the best! So, the winner is... Aiger! Congrats!!

(Everyone claps for him.)

Aiger: Cool!

Sensei: And here's your prize: A ticket to see the new movie that was released 2 days ago!! You can also go with a lucky person of your choice! I already saw the movie, and I wanted to give it away since someone gave it to me as a present.

(Aiger immediately looks at Nika and winked.)

Sensei: Now, here's what we're going to do today. I want to see everyone do that front kick in unison! It doesn't have to be perfect, but I don't want you doing those sloppy ones that you did yesterday! Stand up everyone!

(Everyone stands up.)

Sensei: Okay! 3, 2, 1, KICK!

(Everyone kicks pretty decently!)

Sensei: Great job everyone! Let's do it again, and again until we do it PERFECTLY! Okay, ready? 3, 2, 1, KICK!

(Everyone kicks, better than last time but still not perfectly.)

Sensei: Better! Ready! 3, 2, 1, KICK!

(Everyone kicks- almost perfectly!)

Sensei: Almost there!! Ready! 3, 2, 1, KICK!

(Everyone kicks, perfectly!)

Sensei: THERE WE GO! Finally! Now, the next thing we're going to learn is punching! So, can I get a volunteer to show a decent example?

(Almost every boy raised their hand!)

Sensei: Hmm, what about.. Jiraya?

(Jiraya stands up.)

Sensei: Okay, so the rules are simple: Go to the punching bag and punch it! 

Jiraya: Okay. 

(Jiraya punches it, really hard! Most of the class was surprised!)

Sensei: Wow, a lot of power! Okay who wants to-

(Aiger rudely interrupts Sensei.)

Aiger: MY TURN! 

(Aiger punches the bag, slightly stronger than Jiraya's punch! The whole class was gasping and laughing!)

Sensei: Aiger, that was pretty impressive, but please raise your hand next time! 

Aiger: Sorry, I just had this sudden urge to do it!

Sensei: Okay, anyways- we will practice punching! You will also get a partner to do it with! We're also going to do a competition! Since punching is really simple to do, you will get 5 minutes to practice with your partner. Then, I have this tracking device that tracks how much power you put into your punch. Then, it'll show a number. Whoever gets to the highest number gets a reward! I'll also announce the winner on Monday! Okay, pick your partners! You have 1 minute!

(All of the girls immediately came to Nika.)

Random girl: Could I be your partner?

Another random girl: I wanna be your partner!!

Hallie: No, I'm gonna be her partner!

(They all start arguing.)

Nika: I-

Abigail: Just ignore them. You know that I'm your partner. Right?

Nika: Uhm.. I actually wanted to do it with.. Aiger..

Aiger and Nika at Martial ArtsWhere stories live. Discover now