II: hooded figure

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ruby stood outside the remarkable building of l'auberge, where the wealthy comes to spend their money smoking nightshade or breadseed poppy, drinking the finest wines and looking for laborers. it's also where the poor go to either find work or drink away what little coin they have left.

it's the only tavern in town that hasn't been razed to the ground by the war. its well-crafted stone foundation was the reason it remained untouched, whereas the wooden barber shop next door had been ripped in half, with only a straw roof to protect it from the harsh weather as an abandoned dog sat outside.

she smiled as she walked inside.

l'auberge was neither larger nor nicer than she had anticipated. it was a decent watering hole that was well-kept. a collection of chandeliers, glowing and suspended from the ceiling, lit up the tavern.  there are also a few shelves, some of which are stacked with beer mugs and others with books.

at the very least, there are books. something to keep her entertained at her leisure.

ruby took her time scanning the room again.

a surly old woman with gold accessories by her left, drinking with her friends as she stroke the fat black cat sitting on her lap. a lone drunkard to her right, softly crying and singing bawdy songs one after another.

despite her best attempts to avoid running into anyone as she made her way to the bar, some moron dressed in fancy clothes elbowed her in the rib as she tried to get around their table while his companions loudly and obnoxiously harassed the tavern helper. there's not even the slightest bit of decency in him to offer an apology.

she sneers, "mannerless prick," in her head.

behind the counter was a woman who ruby assumed to be the bartender. she had a hollow look on her face as she read a newspaper that says missing people reports.

she slinks over to an empty stool and climbs into the seat, striking up a conversation with the woman who introduced herself as lisa manoban, the owner of l'auberge.

lisa had a bemused expression but seemed rather pleased with the young adult as she provided a distraction from the boisterous gathering. she poured herself a drink as ruby continues to ask about her life.

"before i became the owner of l'auberge, i was a wild undisciplined child." lisa says as she takes a sip of her rum. "i left home with only a basic education and very little knowledge; then i met my wife, and she showed me the error of my ways."

a smile tugged at ruby's lips. it came as no surprise to her. she was no stranger to the lesbian subculture, as their city was one of the most liberal in the country, and women loving women were beginning to blossom and thrive.

"my wife, roseanne owns the shop next door." the bartender informs, tilting her head to the direction of the building.

"she's in the barbering industry? that's quite.. surprising." ruby remarks, biting her lower lip. "what are female barbers called?"

the bartender let out a loud chuckle, "i believe a female barber is still called a barber."

"oh." ruby mumbles, sinking into her seat in humiliation. "isn't working in an all-male profession difficult?"

lisa shrugs, "only she knows the answer to that. would you like to meet her? you two will get along great."

ruby had a goofy smile while nodding. she enjoys getting to know new people because their experiences inspire her and give her a fresh outlook on life.

lisa arched an eyebrow and pushed a pair of menus to ruby's side before asking, "got your fill of town gossip? now order, young lady."

ruby scoffed and looked through the menu's selection of wines, desserts, and meat. she frowned as she turned to face the bartender.

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