A Close Call

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Chapter Two:

The rest of that evening Pippin spent in his hobbit hole thinking about Penny. He felt so embarrassed that he had ran into her, or more like she ran into him, but he was still blushing. When she had brushed up against his shoulder, Pippin was absolutely sure he had felt something; almost like a spark. And he was willing to bet anything that Penny felt it too from the way she reacted. Her cheeks had flushed and she seemed really shocked that he had noticed her. It was almost as if Penny liked him!

Pippin shook it off and decided that he would try his best to forget about it. There was no way in Middle Earth he could tell Penny how he felt. It was probably because he feared rejection. Best to keep his feeling secret and safe from Penny.


The next morning, Pippin was awoken to a knocking on his door. Growing from the headache he had, Pippin dressed and ambled out of his room towards the door. Opening it, he discovered Merry.

"Good morning Pip!" Merry greeted him cheerfully.

"Morning Merry, can I help you?" Pippin asked through a yawn.

"The crops in Farmer Maggots aren't going to pick themselves are they?" Merry joked.

Pippin's face lit up when he remembered. Grabbing his scarf, Pippin followed Merry out the door and off to the field.

For about an hour, he seemed to lose himself in running around the field with arms full of carrots, cabbages, and potatoes.

Pippin was running trough the corn stalks when he suddenly tripped over Frodo, Sam, and Penny!

Merry was next to join the pile up.

"Merry! It's Frodo Baggins, Sam, and Penny!" Pippin exclaimed.

"Hello Frodo," said Merry as he picked the fallen crops and pulled Pippin up with a slightly amused expression on his face.

"What are you all doing out here?" asked Pippin.

"We could ask you the same," Sam huffed. He looked down at their arms, "You've been in Farmer Maggot's crops again haven't you?!"

As soon as he said that, a shout was heard and the sound of his dogs was heard. The five hobbits took off running.

"It was only a couple of carrots, and some cabbages! And the tomatoes we lifted last week!" Pippin said.

"Yes but my point is Pippin, he's clearly overreacting!" Merry yelled back.

Penny just smiled and Pippin blushed and deep shade of red.

It wasn't until Pippin discovered that there was an edge to the land he was running on, did he stop short. This escalated into Merry and Sam running into him and Frodo and Penny soon after. The five tumbled down the hillside and landed in an unruly pile at the bottom.

"I think I've broken something, oh!" Merry moaned as he pulled a broken carrot out from under himself.

"Trust a Brandybuck and a Took," Sam grumbled, "What was that anyway?"

"A shortcut!" Merry said.

"A shortcut to what?" Sam asked.

"Mushrooms!" Pippin called and they began to fill up a sack full of them.

Even as they bagged up the mushrooms, Pippin kept his head down. He kept thinking about that close call of Penny discovering his feelings for her when he had blushed.


A/N: I rewrote basically this whole chapter and I hope it's much better than before!

A Mischievous And Loving Adventure (A Lord Of The Rings Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora