The Exposition of a Life Time

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October 25, 2021. The demon realm.
Hunter sat on the porch outside his house. It was his birthday and his Dad told him to wait outside. He said he had a surprise for him. The young boy looked at the clear purple sky, the bright sun shining on his face. His name was Hunter Wittebane, and today was his 15th birthday. He was in his cleanest clothes, excited for the big day ahead of him. "Hey sport!" Hunter quickly turned around to greet his father. "Dad!" He ran into his father's arms.
"Son, guess what. We're going to town today!" Hunter's eyes lit up. "Really? We haven't been to town in ages! I wonder what'll be waiting!!" His father patted his head. "Well, we cannot forget to hide our ears you know what I say,"Hunter cut him off. "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. If anyone knows we're human they'll hunt us down and eat our skin." His father winked. "You know it!" At this Hunter sighed. "But we're not even full humans, we're part witch!" His father frowned at this statement. "I know, but with witches you can never be to careful. Your mother nearly killed me when I met her" Hunter smiled. "But she didn't! And that's how you're alive to tell that story today!" Hunter's father giggled. "No duh. Now pull up your hood and let's go." Hunter silently obliged and pulled his hood up over his ears. His father did the same. Hunter and his father, Giles Whittebane, made their way through the forest and into town, which was full of bustling witches buying and selling items. Birds chirped in the trees. Eventually, they made their way to the carving shop his father owned. Giles sat Hunter down. "Hunter, I want to give you this. He's been in our family for a long time, and i'm sure you'll get along with him well." Hunter looked at his father, confusion flooding his face. His father reached into a hall closet, pulling out a tall staff with a red bird affixed at the top. "This little guy-" The staff transforms into an ordinary bird, which flew onto Giles's shoulder- "Is flapjack! he was my Grandfather's palisman. Flapjack, meet Hunter!"
"Tweet Tweet!"
Flapjack flew onto Hunter's head. Before Hunter could scream from excitement- "oh, one other thing," Giles reaches under his desk, and pulls out a small box. Inside the box is a Golden owl mask, "I carved this especially for you, Hunter." Now he screamed. "Thankyouthankyouthankyou!!!"
The two stepped outside of the carving shop, and were about to leave town for the day, when a very strong gust of wind blew Giles hood off, revealing his ears. He quickly pulled his hood back up, but it was to late. Two emperors coven drones ran to grab him. "Strict directions from the emperor, kill all humans on sight." Giles yelled, "HUNTER!! GO, WARN SYBIL!!" Almost on que, flapjack transformed into a staff and sat horizontally in the air. Hunter climbed onto the staff, Looking back at his father. He tied the mask to his face, and rode off into the distance.
Reaching the small village the Whittebanes resided in, Hunter steered towards his mother's house. Knocking on the door aggressively. "Mom! Mom! dad is in danger! the emperor's coven found out he was a human!"
Hunter's mother, Sybil Whittebane, gasped in shock. Her violet eyes glowed with anger and sadness.
"Hunter, I want you to hide in the cave outside the village. if we don't come back for you by sundown tomorrow, I want you to know I love you."
She gave her son one last hug, and handed him a bag of supplies.
"Go. I love you, son."
Hunter pulled the owl mask over his face to hide his tears, only having the courage to say "I love you to mom."

A guard walked the halls of the castle, on their way to tell the emperor the good news. As they made their way to the throne room they could hear the beating heart that sat within. "My Liege, we have come to inform you-" Belos sighed. "I already know, saw the whole commotion with a scrying potion." "Well then, shall I leave?" The guard asked asked, not sure what to do with this turn of events? Belos smiled from under his mask. "First tell me, did you kill the whole family?" The guard fiddled with their hands before responding. "I believe so, sire." Belos chuckled. "Then that will be all." As the guard left Belos told himself. "I know he's lying."

Word count: 765

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