i. words to live by

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CHAPTER ONE: WORDS TO LIVE BYalso known as: ( the weirdo on maple street )

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also known as:
( the weirdo on maple street )

MEN AIN'T SHIT. Not only do they ingest the halls with a constant, unavoidable odor, but they seemed to all lack basic common sense that even the four-year-olds she's babysat seemed to possess.

Now, Liberty Truman should make a disclaimer that perhaps there are . . . some . . . decent men out there - gentlemen with honor codes of chivalry and a mind of an intellectual scholar. But, Liberty has just yet to meet one.

So, with this reasoning in which Liberty deemed worthy to her hate-induced crimes, she began carving with those very words 'MEN AIN'T SHIT' into all the lockers of the boys varsity basketball team.

As the bell rang and the on-lookers began sprouting about, watching as the beauty queen vandalized the school district's property with words of affirmation, many girls cheered and slapped her on the back, laughing in celebration at the small, but pivotal movement Liberty started. The males of the school began shouting along, anger relevant in their grunts but none actually made a motion to stop the Queen Bee.

If only this riled them up, just they wait till they see all that Liberty had in store.

It all started with a pair of boobs.

More specifically, a particular photo of Carol Perkins.

Yesterday afternoon, as the final bell rang for the ruckus of students to leave this ditch of a school, an image had been strung out across all hallways, doors, and windows alike. It had been listed under any news flyer and weekly updates papers, in a way which could only be described as unfortunate, on display, for the whole student body to see. Regardless of the few who'd seen it before that final bell where it hung - for the first time - showcased for the world, it sure made its way around the school in record speed. Hawkins High was not small enough that everyone knew absolutely everything, but there was no way in hell anyone could stop this.

And everyone knew exactly who it was, too. It was Carol, with her pretty mane of hair, posing squarely in the photograph. She was known for embracing her sexuality, hiking up her skirts an extra inch and pulling her shirts down just a smidge more. And with tits like hers, Liberty sure as hell would post them around, too.

"Oh my god." Some guy next to Liberty had laughed, everyone now staring at the perky pair postered around. It was odd, for a perfectly average day; it would surely be circling the school for the next few days, fueling the boring lives of the boring people filling it.

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