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Ring Ring

Your alarm went off.
'Another day Another dollar'

You sat up as you rubbed your eyes and yawned. 'Fucking hate mornings' you thought.

After getting ready with a white muscle shirt and some dark brown pants with pockets on the legs with a black jean jacket.
You got what you needed and headed to the kitchen and just got something to drink.

Then headed off to work.


Working there for a few hours, you were either on your phone or cashing the customers stuff out. It was a really boring job but hey.. atleast it was simple.


It was now 3:00 pm and you were bored until you saw a car come up. It was normal for cars to come up but this one was familiar.
Too familiar.

You just shrugged it off as the person got gas and was on their phone. You couldn't really see their face cuz they were looking down and behind the gasoline thing and their car.

You minded your business and on your phone until another one pulled up but was driving in..backwards??

Nosy as you are, you looked out the window that was there by the cashier counter and saw that it was another man with blonde and black hair with glasses who looked.. hot as fuck actually.

Blushes you sat back down and watch them talk by the other dudes car who's face you couldn't see. But starting to be able to see the other mans face.. your heart skipped a beat.

It was your ex.

'Oh FUCK THAT.' You thought. Turning around and feeling pissed off already seeing him there at the little store you WORK at

You looked at the dudes again and saw that the convo got heated and saw the hot man push your ex. You giggled, seeing your ex get pushed as he deserved it.

You were having fun until a customer walked in. The door makes sounds when customers walk in.

So when it made that noise. It caught your ex's attention as he looked at where the sound came from.


You and your ex were making eye contact.
''Y/N!'' Ted shouted. As he started coming towards the store. 'Oh shit.'

Running to the door as Ted your ex was about to come in, you pulled the door back closed. The other hot dude wasn't done with his conversation with your ex I guess and followed him where the two of you were and saw the whole thing go on.

You and the hot dude outside of your store made eye contact for a few seconds then turned your attention back to your ex.

"Y/n please! let's talk!" Ted shouts through the glass door.
"Go away Ted. Im Not in the mood for your shitty ass begging dude." You reply kinda shouting.

"Y/n I'm not I just wanna talk to you!" Ted yells.
"Who is this Ted?" The attractive man says.
Look at you with a confused face.
"I'm his ex" you say while still holding the door shut.

[𝐀𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐚𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧] Mort Rainey x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now