An Unsuspecting Foray into an Italian Restaurant

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The restaurant was busy, per normal on evenings around dinner time. Everyone in the city wanted to try some of Joe's delicious meals. Not only that, but there was something attractive about Joe that went beyond the quality of his food. His muscles were gargantuan, but he didn't come off as big or scary, but like a gentle giant. But what people really appreciated about Joe was his voice, which sounded deep, yet silky, like the ends of the waves dissolving upon the grainy sands of a shoreline. However, no one appreciated Joe's prized features more than his most regular customer: Cherry, (the pinky twinky) an effeminate man with many a sassy quip at his disposal. Their chemistry was undeniable, radiating through the restaurant like a sunbeam on a summer day. People flocked to the restaurant not just to see each one individually, but to see their dynamic: their fights, their deep gazes, and their secret displays of affection that they pretend not to notice from one another. They were both arguing at the front of the restaurant while the kids wandered in.

Reki and Lasagna rushed into the restaurant, carrying Matcha, before the other two, and delivered him to Cherry while Mafuyu and Ue took their time, observing the locale upon arrival. Approaching the door, Ue looked towards Mafuyu, smiled, and then grasped his hand. After walking in together, Reki and Lasagna had already procured a spot; Reki waved over towards Ue and Mafuyu signaling for them to dine together. Ue looked around nervously, not knowing if it would be okay to walk over without checking in.

"Don't worry, it's fine, I know the manager," Reki said with a grin, noticing Ue's discomfort. Mafuyu started towards the booth, his hand tugging Ue along with him.

While Ue was getting settled at the table, Mafuyu was already engrossed with the fancy sounding Italian names of dishes, marveling at the numerous images of red sauce and pesto. Reki was explaining each dish to him; ravioli, fettuccine, lasagna, and the like; pronouncing each dish and its ingredients slowly and promising to help him order to avoid any unneeded embarrassment. Uenoyama knew what he wanted; he'd had microwave lasagna at home and figured it would be a suitable meal. Mafuyu asked Uenoyama if he could share some of his meal –– they were short on cash, after all. Uenoyama agreed, confident in his decision after Reki confirmed Joe's lasagna was too big for one person to eat. (NOT LIKE THAT YOU DIRTY PIG)

While Reki and Ue were in the middle of broadening Mafuyu's culinary horizons, a green haired man approached the booth.

"Hey Joe!" Reki exclaimed jubilantly.

"Oh god, you again... are you gonna break my plates tonight, Reki?" He inquired with such vitriol that it made everyone congregated around the booth shudder.

"I–" Reki had nothing to say....

"Don't worry sir; I'll make sure he behaves," offered Lasagna, smartly interrupting the dumb redhead.

"Thanks Snow, at least one of you is reliable," said Joe.

"Hey now––"

"Now, who are your new friends here," Joe asked, interrupting Reki and turning towards Mafuyu and Ue.

Lasagna beamed, "We serendipitously ran into them on the street and they were looking for a good meal, so we decided to bring them here."

Joe smiled warmly, "Well, you're certainly in the right place!"

"Do you guys want anything to drink? We have sodas, ramune, and teas."

"Coke please," said Lasagna, "and with ice."

"I'll have a strawberry ramune, please!" Reki says, excited at the prospect of its artificially sweet taste.

"Sorry, Reki, we only have the original today"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2022 ⏰

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