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I watched the waters, the remnants of the sun, scattering diamonds upon the reflection. The sun was beginning to set, throwing a mixture of oranges, yellows, pinks, purples and blues all into the sky.

I watched intently, as it sunk to a very dark shade of blue, until it became a black abyss.

I allowed myself to fall to the floor, so I could rest my eyes for a moment or so.

When I reopened them, I saw that the sky was cast with oranges, yellows, pinks, purples, blues. The sun was setting. I must've slept through the whole day.

I slowly stood up, starting to feel my dry and scratchy throat.

I trudged over to the cool quarry, and took a few mouthfuls of water, before slowly going up the hill.

When I was halfway, I heard screams start to erupt, which maybe completely forget about my earlier fatigue, as I bolted up to the top.

When I got up there, the sight was horrifying. I immediately heard the sound of Shane's shotgun going off, and saw the walkers, spreading round throughout camp, like they were duplicating.

I saw Lori holding a screaming Carl against Shane's back, and lost focus of everything around me. My one main priority was Carl's ensured survival and safety, at all costs.

I leapt into the air, and bit into a walker's skull, instantly feeling the blood gushing from the wound. I lunged at another one, then another, then another, all the way untill I reached Carl.

Carol was holding onto a crying Sofia, and we were all following Shane, only me and him were taking out walkers left, right, and centre. Shane yelled, "GET TO THE RV, GOOO!"

After this, I saw everyone trying to get to what was hopefully the safety spot.

Walkers started piling around us, and just when I thought all hope was lost, emerging from the trees was Rick, Daryl, Glenn, and T-dog, all heading our way, guns ablaze.

Rick yelled, "LORI! CARL!" Almost immediately, Carl ran over to Rick crying into his arms. Tears pooled in his eyes, and created waterfalls down his face, while Lori slowly meandered over. I thought it'd be best, to stay out of their way for a while, seen as though they were all pretty preoccupied.

Instead I allowed myself, to lie in the passenger footwell of the RV, so that no matter how hard people tried, I wouldn't be found. I would come out on my own terms, but in the mean time, I decided to take a quick power nap.

I awoke to the sound of a loud gunshot, causing me to shoot out to see if something bad was going down, instead I saw Amy lying with a circular patch of blood in her hair  that was quickly spreading. That was enough for me to know what happened.

The next thing I saw was Rick, so I boumded over to him, licking his face all over, after jumping up onto my hind legs. He placed his forehead on my furry one, making me lean into his touch. I craved this kind of love, but Rick tended to be the only one who fully understood me. But most of the time, he would be busy or up to something, that couldn't have me round.

After a minute or so, Rick, Shane and Daryl continued to bury the bodies of the fallen, while the walkers bodues were burned.

I led on the floor, as everyone gathered to bury Amy. Andrea tried to drag her body into the grave, and when Dale offered to help, she was quite harsh when saying, "no, I can do it myself."

I felt bad for her, all the family she had left was her sister and now, gone. Gone, just like Daryl's brother Merle. He chopped off his hand, or so I heard, so I didn't really have high hopes for him at the minute.

I watched as everyone dispersed their own way. I had also discovered about Jim being bit, I never really liked that guy anyway. He seemed like the type of guy, who if you couldn't walk, and the dead were chasing after you, would leave you. And I sure as hell didn't like that type of guy. That's also the main reason why I wasn't that attached to Shane, because he was very shady, ever since Rick supposedly "died". Unbelievable. That's what Shady Shane is, going round lying about Rick's "death", well here's some news for him. I hope he is left, because I've had enough of his shit.

I remained there for hours, thinking about reasons why Shady Shane was unpredictable, and how untrustworthy her really was after all. Meanwhile, my black fur was busy soaking up all the heat from the sun's rays, causing me to lay flat on my side panting for air, trying to cool down.

I finally gathered enough strength to join in the gathering by the cars, when I had Rick's infamous whistle. When I got there, Lori was hugging the woman stood next to Morales, who was holding a hand gun, and a box of ammo. Sofia was hugging her friend, who gave her a doll. Everyone was getting all emotional, but after all the shit I had just been thinking of, I just wasn't in the mood anymore. I trudged over to Rick, sceptical about whether I should be letting Rick, Carl, or Lori near this prick.

Rick hopped into a truck, with Lori in the front seat, and Carol, Sofia, and Carl all crammed in the backseats. So of coarse me sitting in there with them was out of the question.

I wasn't getting in the RV with the ticking time bomb, although Glenn was okay. But Andrea probably wouldn't be awfully keen with me being so near her, after what last night's events held.

I looked over at Shane's truck, but I didn't like him at all anymore. Shane whistled, for me to come join him, as he must have saw me standing round, in the middle of all the cars, unsure of where to go. When he saw me look the other way intentionally, he whistled again before saying, "come on Finley, hurry up! We don't have all day, get in. Now!"

I felt Rick's eyes on my back, so I turned and met his gaze, looking up at him pleadingly, "go on Finn, go with Shane." Urging me on right now wasn't going to work. I heard a different whistle, causing me to whip my head around, from where it came from.

I saw Daryl stood waiti my for me. Well you don't need to ask me twice. I hopped up into the front seat, and instantly settled, as soon as I felt the car move. I couldn't see where we were going, but I trusted Daryl enough to be in the same car as him. I closed my eyes, letting sleep reclaim me for the rest of the journey.

Wow, I absolutely love writing this book tbh.

Comment what you think of it so far if you want. Until I update again, stay safe >3

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