t w e n t y - o n e

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I walked up front next to Glenn and Rick. I nervously kept on glancing back, starting to feel the pups inside of me really going out.

I let out a huff every now and again. Once again I caught myself looking behind. I was looking for Jax. He just kind of disappeared from my thoughts for a while. Some part if me knew that he hadn't made it, but it's still hurt. I was just hoping that when I look back he'd be walking behind me. Except he never was.

I pushed him to the back of my mind and carried on with our hike.

We had walked for about the whole day, from sunrise to darkness. We were now gathered round the warm orange flames. I panted from the walk we had just been on, and Carl pointed out a few times, on numerous occasions, that I sounded like a full blown steam train. Cheeky bugger.

I looked up to see Carol and Rick talking.

"I owe you everything." Rick says.

"You owe Tyreese. He was at the prison." Carol replies. I rested my head on Maggie's leg, and closed my eyes absentmindedly.

"You got back there." Rick says.

"It was in one of their storerooms." Carol says, presumably holding something out to Rick.

"I saw them kill him. That kid." Rick says. What kid?

"I still don't know about what you I... but I know you knew some things I didn't. I sent you away to this..."Rick says trailing off.

"You said I could survive. You were right." Carol says in a matter-of-fact tone.

"I sent you away to this and now we're joining you." Rick says.

I allowed myself to slip away into a deep sleep, between Maggie and Glenn.

I opened my eyes, and wriggled my way out of the two's grasp. I went over to Daryl and gave him a quick lick on the cheek. He stood up heading off into the woods, and I trotted off happily behind him.

We had been walking for a little while, and Daryl stepped on a twig, and it snapped of course. Very loudly, might I add.

When I looked up the whole group had their guns pointed at us. I barked at them to lower their weapons.

"We surrener." Daryl says putting his hands up in the air.

We walked over to Rick, and under Daryl's breath he said, "No tracks. No nothing."

"So whatever you heard last night..." Rick says trailing off.

"It's more what I felt. If someone was watching us, there would have been something." Daryl says.

I dropped back towards Glenn, nudging his hand slightly so he knew I was there.

Rick whistled. "Keep close." We all picked up the pace a little, keeping together.

"Ready to get some concrete under your feet?" Abraham asks Rick.

"I think it's time."

"That is sweet music to my ears, Officer. Take the next road we come to, try to get back to going north untill we find a vehicle. Good?" Abraham asks.

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