FIFTEEN - Confliction

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By the time Cyra made it downstairs, Owen had begun making breakfast. It smelled delicious and Cyra watched him for a long moment.

"For you." Owen set a plate of food down on the bar and motioned for her to sit. Cyra did, and watched as Owen moved around the kitchen, getting them water before sitting down himself. He seemed so comfortable in the space, and Cyra found herself feeling slightly jealous that he was so at ease. She had never felt fully relaxed in her apartment.

"Thank you." Owen glanced at the clock before sitting down next to her. "Do you have somewhere to be?" Cyra asked, taking a bite of eggs. The front door unlocked.

"Pack assembly at two."

"It's the hottest meeting of the week." Quinn called as he stepped through the front door. Shifter hearing. "Did you make me lunch too?"

"No. You have your own food." Owen told him.

"Yes, but I prefer eating yours." Quinn opened the fridge and peered inside. Apparently deciding there was nothing of value there, Quinn snatched a piece of bacon off of Owen's plate. Owen attempted to grab his hand but missed. "Ah, ah. Too slow!" Quinn shoved the entire piece in his mouth before Owen could try again. "You'd think that you'd have better reflexes being Alpha and all."

"You're the worst." Owen told him.

"I wanted to talk to you about this situation," Quinn motioned between Owen and Cyra, "Before we went."

    "What about it?"

    "Are we going to mention it?"

    "Not today."

    "You don't think anyone will pick up on your scent being changed?"

    "I think all they smell is Alpha." Owen said.

    "Very cocky. I like the energy." Quinn told him. "I'm not sure it's going to be enough to fool the sub-alphas." Quinn looked at Cyra who was leaning into the conversation. "And you are definitely not allowed to come. You won't wheedle your way into this one."

"Lame." Cyra muttered.

    "Quinn is right. We have enough to deal with for the moment without introducing you to the pack."

    "Plus the unmated women are going to go crazy when they find out Owen has a mate." Quinn snickered. "He was so close to being forced to pick. They're going to be furious." Quinn burst out laughing. Owen looked annoyed. "Ah, I'm sorry Owen." Owen gave him a flat stare before turning to Cyra, who was starting to feel self-conscious.

    "Cyra, if you want to work out, there's a small gym through that door." He pointed across the living room. "You look like you might want to punch something. There's a punching bag in there."

    "Thanks. I'll use that." Cyra said. Owen gave her a smile which she couldn't help but return.

    "I know." Owen cleared their plates. "Don't do anything stupid." He told Cyra.

    "No promises." Cyra replied.

    "We'll be back before you know it. Don't miss us too much." Quinn gave Cyra a charming smile before shoving Owen out the door. With that, she was left alone in the house. She never heard the truck start, so she figured they must have decided to run instead. Is he testing me? Leaving his truck keys behind.

    Even moments after Owen had walked out the door, her fingers itched for the keys. A piece of her missed him already. Don't be stupid.

    Deciding that she didn't want to sit around and think for hours on end, she entered the room that Owen had called his gym. On one side was a large rack of weights. There was a bench and a bar leaned up against the wall. There was also a punching bag, and hand wraps slung over a hook on the wall.

    Cyra slowly wrapped her hands, trying to push all thoughts of Owen out of her head. No matter how hard she tried, the feeling of kissing him seemed stuck on her lips. She could feel a ghost of the heat that raced up her arms every time she touched him. "Fuck!" She yelled and slammed her fists into the punching bag. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

    In a flurry of kicks and punches she attacked the punching bag. Cyra let herself fall into the familiar movements. Soon her arms ached, and she allowed herself to slow down, even though it meant she couldn't keep the thoughts at bay.

    Caring about Owen was dangerous. Cyra knew that if she grew attached and then lost him, it would break her. An Alpha lived a dangerous life, fighting threats to the pack, handling security issues, dealing with any challengers. Clearly, she was an additional threat to Owen as well. He had been shot going with her.

    If Owen was a threat to her because she might lose him, then the reverse was also true. Cyra knew that she was constantly putting herself in dangerous situations. If he truly came to care for her, losing her might ruin him as well.

    Cyra still wasn't sure why Dorian wanted her dead, and what it had to do with. If it was the crocodile tooth, she could trace the magic back to the source. It wasn't like she needed Owen to do that. Cyra knew she could handle it on her own. She could handle Dorian on her own too. She'd dealt with more powerful men than him. After all, he didn't know she was still alive, which gave her a distinct advantage.

    Owen had left the keys to the truck and her stuff was still in it. It would be so easy to get in and drive away. She could save herself and Owen the trouble. Owen could easily find a new woman, he had plenty of options. What woman wouldn't want him? There had to be other women in the pack that were suited to him, women who were actually shifters, used to playing the pack politics games.

    Unable to continue with her punching bag session any longer, Cyra collapsed on the ground, laying on the floor and staring at the ceiling. The cold floor was a welcome feeling. Owen said I could have the choice. I can walk away from this. I can save myself from hurting. I can save him from hurting. If I leave now, neither of us have grown too attached.

    Feeling her resolve strengthening, Cyra stood. She took the stairs two at a time and grabbed her bag from Owen's room. She took one last look around. I could belong here. She shook her head. No, I don't belong here. I'm just a danger to Owen. I make things complicated. He doesn't need complicated.

    Cyra grabbed the keys from the counter and entered the garage. She opened the garage door and threw her bag into the truck. With a sigh, she started the truck and backed out of Owen's garage. This is best for everyone.

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