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Despite not saying it, Obi-Wan was grateful for not having to come home to a completely empty living space. In the back opening to his cave, he saw both Persephone and Zae sitting on the smoothed out rock that acted like a back patio. Upon his entrance, he was almost bulled over by a small person running into him. 

"Obi, he's old, you can't keep doing that." Zae said, grinning over her shoulder at Obi-Wan.

He had ruffled the young boy's hair before looking at Zae. "I wonder why I let you stay here sometimes." 

"You love me, that's why." She answered teasingly. 

Persephone smiled softly at the short interaction. "There's rations for you there." She said to Obi-Wan, nodding to the heater set up on a makeshift counter. 

"Thank you." He said, making his way across the cave. He put a few coins in a box then went to the heater and took the rations off it. 

Obi-Wan sat beside Persephone, looking out at the sand dunes. "All okay?" She asked quietly, looking at him as Obi went to sit on the other side of Zae. 

Obi-Wan nodded, his attention being drawn away from the landscape in the distance. "They've cut our earnings in half. Other than that, nothing new."

"That's lame." Obi announced loudly, sticking his tongue out. "The people you work for suck."

Obi-Wan looked down, smiling. At least at the end of any day, the young boy was there to say something to lift their spirits. He looked back at Obi, and the rush to say that he was grateful for the boy's words came like a wave. The feeling was watered down when a whirring came from behind them. 

The group turned to see a Jawa with a cart coming into the cave. Obi-Wan stood up, placing his small bowl on the ledge of a rock to enter the cave to speak to the Jawa. The two began a conversation, leaving Zae, Persephone, and Obi on the smoothed out rock.

A minute passed before Teeka the Jawa left the cave and Obi-Wan came back to sit with them. "He took the piece of the vaporator."

"I knew it." Persephone said, patting the ground beside her. "Should've listened, but no."

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2022 ⏰

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