Chapter III: Violet path of Eminence

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I woke up from my very pleasant sleep, and sat up, I threw a glance over at Alden, who was still asleep, she always got up much later, the sun was just rising, meaning it was still quite early, but the Enomoto family was used to getting up early, my parents surprisingly even earlier than me, I always get teased that I'm a sleepyhead and that I'm late for breakfast, even though it's like 5:30 in the morning.

|| "We get up this early so we could have more done, of course if you'd like to wake up later, there's no problem with that, everyone has their own sleep schedule, am I right?" mother said with a grin and winked at me, knowing I was going to sleep way past my bedtime. ||

I smiled at the warm memory and got out of bed, heading to my bathroom. I had a quick shower, brushed my teeth, tied some of my hair into two buns on both sides and let the rest loose, put on my usual white dress with loose sleeves, a black lace collar, decorated with a ribbon and gold all over, but mostly with my family's emblem covering the whole back, a swirl, "I never get tired of these comfy dresses." I murmured to myself and headed downstairs for breakfast. My father was sitting on a chair, sipping his coffee and writing another book presumably, what he liked aside from his advisor job, was to write books with multiple short stories, it wasn't his job though, just a hobby, I and mother told him countless times to publish at least one, because we thought his books were amazing, and they really were! One couldn't put his gaze elsewhere when it came to his books. Once he saw me come down the stairs, he grinned.

"Well, well, well, look who decided to wake up!"

I rolled my eyes at the greeting from my father and continued walking to my chair. "Good morning to you too father." He only laughed and put a glass of juice and a plate with pastries and fruits in front of me when I sat down. "Where's mother? Did she eat already?" I asked.

"Ah, she went to Kikka to buy some things. And she did eat, yes." He added.

"Oh that is very rude indeed! Eating breakfast without me!" I pouted, pretending to be offended, my father laughed warmly at my false complaint, he loved my jokes, and I loved his.

"You're a sunshine, do you know that? You're bright as the sun, my bright adorable tiny daughter." He said with an amused expression.

"Hey, I'm not that small!" He laughed again and stroked my hair.

"No, really, you are bright, and you most definitely are my daughter, no matter what."

I couldn't help but smile at his words as I bit into my breakfast, he was a perfect father, not only he was handsome, but his personality was as warm as mother's. He had black hair with cold, but warmly piercing silver eyes, he usually wore a black shirt with dark grey pants, at home at least, at work, or specifically at the castle, he wore a cloak and way more traditional clothing, one of the things I adored him for, was his work, he was the Wizard King's advisor. I was always so excited for him to come home for the weekend so he could tell me about his days at work, not everything of course, but even the smallest things could get me absolutely feral, I was probably the Wizard King's #1 fan, he was a middle-aged man, he didn't exactly have a golden heart, but I still adored him for his work more than anything ever since I was a little child, he was quite favourite, but it was known that he'll soon be replaced by a young magic knights captain, no one really knew who exactly he was but I heard he is a very interesting person. Unfortunately, an advisor is needed constantly by the Wizard King, meaning father was being called away very often, and I missed him very often, mainly when he stayed at the castle for a few weeks, but I got used to it after some time.

"Do you know what day it is today, Sunshine?" He said with a triumphant smile.

'Wait, what day was it today?' I thought to myself.

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