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One, two, three, four, five...

I counted again. Once I get through a few more hundred of these, the class will be over. The reminder gave me the assurance I needed as I sat miserably in my introduction to biology course.

"I'll end the lecture here, but please remain seated for attendance." Eventually, the blessed words were uttered and happiness was restored once more.

Professor Smith completed the roll call and within seconds a flock of students aimed towards the exit at once. The semester began only two days ago, and somehow biology has successfully exhausted us already.

"Maria, hurry up! I'm starving."

I roll my eyes as I exit the room only to meet my best friend's nagging yells immediately. As I speed up my pace, I loosely throw my arms around her shoulders and pull her into a side hug.

Despite the atrocity of my first Monday class, biology, I'm excited for this semester. It's the first semester of my sophomore year, and I share two classes with my friend, Anitta. Alongside American literature, we decided to try a music class for fun. Fortunately, a single class fit both of our schedules; introduction to music and piano.

Anitta and I walk side-by-side down the long hallways toward the campus cafeteria. We had just enough time to eat lunch together before our first class together began.

Truthfully, as I walked down the path, my feelings felt oddly heightened. I failed to fight the growing, large grin forming on my face. Could it be my friend's presence? Possibly the meal that awaits me in a few minutes? Maybe even my new music class.

Whatever it may be, I know one thing: this semester will be an exciting one.

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