Four - The Halloween Party

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Chapter Four - The Halloween Party

"When black cats prowl and pumpkins gleam, may lucky be yours on Halloween."

Jonathan pulled to the side of the road, to let Will out of the car. He thought about the party, and Nancy. "Hey listen," He started. Will stopped in his seat, and turned back to face his brother. "If I let you go on your own, you promise to stay in the neighbourhood?" Will's face lit up.

"Yeah!" He exclaimed, "yeah! Totally!"

"And be back at Mike's by nine."

"Nine Thirty?"


"Deal." Will said. The two smiled back and forth at each other before Will exited the vehicle. Jonathan handed his brother the camera that Bob Newby had given them to borrow for the night. He watched as Will's friends called out to him as he walked towards the group, all so excited to see each other. Then, he pulled the orange paper Nancy had given to him earlier in the day. He looked over it a few times before throwing his head back against the headrest. There was no way he was actually thinking about going to this party, right?


Jessica pranced around Stephanie McKinnon's bedroom wearing a tight blue full body suit with a pink belt that gripped her waist nicely. Her hair was tucked neatly into a ponytail, with a bright pink ribbon. "What even are you?" Stephanie asked, looking at Jessica through the mirror. She aligned the mascara wand with her eyelashes and gently brushed over them. 

"I'm fucking Barbie!" Jess snapped, rolling her eyes at the girl. Her costume clearly resembled a popular 80s fitness barbie. Steph placed the wand back in the bottle and turned to face Jess, 

"Oh, that makes sense." She nodded. Before Jess could roll her eyes again, Carol Perkins walked into the bedroom. "When the hell did you get here?"

"Just now, obvs." Carol said, without even looking up from her nails. The sounds of her teeth chewing aggressively on her gum filled the room. Jess flopped down on the bed and sighed.

"Do you know who I am, Car?" She asked, twirling the hair falling from her ponytail around her finger. Carol glanced up from her nails quickly, to look at Jess' costume, before she continued.

"Barbie, right?"

"Thank you!" Jessica exclaimed, jumping up from the bed. She flipped her middle finger up at Stephanie as she headed towards the bathroom. The other girl just rolled her eyes. 


As the clock hit 8pm, Jess walked alongside Stephanie and Carol as they entered Tina's Halloween party. The house was already filled, which the girls knew, considering they purposely arrived later to look cool. 

"I'm gonna go find Tommy!" Carol shouted over the loud music. The other girls nodded and watched her walk outside, probably looking for the keg stand. Jess and Stephanie scanned the room, making sure they knew who was here. 

"Oh my god, is that Nancy Wheeler?" Stephanie said as the pair walked to the kitchen to grab something to drink. Jess looked at the brunette girl. Something about her was different. She seemed, drunk, almost. She wore a white long sleeve with a black bow around the top, and held a red solo cup in her hand. 

"The hell are you two?" Jess spat, sipping from her cup. 

"We're Joel and Lana from Risky Business." Steve chuckled, picking up a cup from the counter. Jess raised an eyebrow. "The Tom Cruise movie." 

"Oh," She replied halfheartedly, before turning away and walking towards the outside doors.

"Ay!" The same voice called. Jess slowly turned, rolling her head back in annoyance, "what are you? an aerobics instructor?" Steve laughed, lightly nudging Nancy who wasn't amused at all.

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