Strangers ( Roll 5)

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(The tree at the top is what her tree/home looks like I just found a pic I like. Also I will probably not update again until tomorrow because I have to drive for drivers Ed, and then I have drivers ed class so until next time. Oh also don't be afraid to tell me any spelling errors I will gladly take the help. Bye)

Charlie was staring at Flora, for he had never seen anyone like her. When he looked a little closer he could have sworn that her ears pointed up a little bit, but decided not to say anything.

Flora POV

These normal looking people are odd. They seem to like staring at things for they were both now looking at me. I decided to say, " what do I have a bug on my head or something?" You could see the one named Charlie laugh nervously. The boy named Charlie then says, " no it's just we've never seen anyone like you before ( rubs the back of his neck)." I gave them a weird look, I still don't don't trust these people. The other boy Luke I think?
Soon asked, " Why are your ears pointed up a little bit? Sorry if that sounds rude.." I looked at the ground and my hands automatically went to my ears. I slowly and carefully said, " there not-"
" Yeah they are t-"
"dude knock it off leave her alone Luke!" Charlie said ( he is the last one talking).
      I thought ' huh this Charlie person isn't as bad as I thought still gonna keep my distance though'.  Luke looked down in shame, and mumbled an apology. I sighed and said, " that's alright m, just don't do it again, ya got that!"
  "Yes mam!( he put his hand in salute)" Luke replied.
       I rolled my eyes at him, slightly annoyed. I started walking away when I realized the time. Before I could leave Charlie called out to me saying, " You shouldn't be walking home by yourself, for it is very dark now."
    I quickly turned on my heel and angrily snapped, " I appreciate your concern, but I am more than capable of walking home by myself thank you very much!"
I started speed walking away when I felt a hand on my wrist. I ripped my hand out their grip and broke into a run. I heard Charlie yelling, " please don't leave . . ."
I couldn't hear the rest of what he was saying, nor did I care. I ran and ran, I did not stop until I got home.

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