chapter 6 | italy

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You know, I never thought I made dumb decisions until now.

Kade being here, knowing where I live now, was too much. And I need to take ten steps back; I should have never given into him and let him take me home. Giving in to him was so easy, yet saying no was so hard.

For what? I hated him, and he put me through an immense amount of pain for the last seven years of my life. Constantly, he was in my mind, reminding me of the passion we had together.

And that needed to stop. I had to blow out the flame of him in my life. It was too much to know that he had left me and gave me no explanation.

For the past seven years, I perpetually questioned myself,

"Was I enough for him?"

"Was I not beautiful enough?"

"Did I annoy him too much?"

And asking those questions put me in a state of constant self-destruction. Creating cracks in my heart at the thought of him.




But here we are now, him in my apartment, watching me eat.

Wiping avocado off my bottom lip, I grab the plate with steady hands before hopping off the kitchen stool. Turning the corner of the island, before I can wash my dish, hands suddenly take the dish away.

"I got it," Kade says, placing the dish in the sink before turning to me. His eyes are piercing, a striking green that could suck any soul into them. And trap you. His prominent shoulders are on display, broad and muscular.

Damn, that man is hot.

One-second passes. Two. "What are you doing here, Kade?" I place my hands on my forehead as I sigh. "I mean," I laugh, "you haven't given a fuck about me for seven years, so why now?" His shoulders tense, clearing his throat before looking down at me.

"You were hurt today, and I just thought you'd want some comfort." He whispers, giving me a sad smile before turning away.

Walking quickly towards the front door, I open it before turning back to him, "Well, I don't need any more comfort." I began. "You can leave now." I gritted my teeth so hard that it started to hurt.

He sighs, tipping his head back as he closes his eyes, "You're always so fucking complicated, Malia." He whispers.
He turns around to me, "I'll leave, but only once you're asleep." he murmured.

Fine, whatever to get this man out of my apartment.

"Deal," I sigh out, walking back into my room before heading into the bathroom.

Tying my hair on top of my head, I grab my toothbrush before smearing on toothpaste. Annoyingly, I start to brush my teeth, thinking of how irritatingly sweet he was being.

Rinsing my mouth with water, I turn off the sink before dragging myself to bed. It's not like I didn't want to go to bed. Hell, I was tired and still felt violated by what had happened to me. But I wouldn't let it ruin my life; eventually, that man would get terrible luck.

I'm sure of it.

The warmth and security of my bed hit me, making me sigh into contentment as I snuggle deep into the covers. The plush mattress makes me feel like sinking, and I could not be more comfortable than I am now.

But, not all things last. Kade walks into my room, sitting down on the couch I have directly across from me. Sitting up, I pull my shoulders back and tip my head up as I say, "So what, you're going to watch me sleep now?"

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