the arrivals

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"Helo"me talking


In an unknown realm

A girl is on a chair watching the tboah world "what a pitiful world ,all this just to lose at the end."
"Miaow"the cat on her lap said
"Why don't we help "she said petting the black cat
"Miaow "

""Miaow"the cat on her lap said"Why don't we help "she said petting the black cat"Miaow "

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TBOAH world

the heroes are having are discussing their next strategy for the war . They have lost alot of people.

Suddenly in front of them appeared a screen.
"What is that!?"said choi han
"I don't feel any magic from it "add Rosalyn
"Wait,sometimes is written on it" alberu then started reading
[Hello heroes,
I am sending this message to you to know if you are willing to let me help you, in this event you will gain information on enemies and allies alike thanks to a parallel universe that finished there war in 2 years will your will last 20 years just to perishe at the end ]

Do you accept ?
[Yes]  or  [No]

Everybody was shocked will they all had the same thoughts '20 years of war and they still lost' the room was silent ,but suddenly a voice broke it was Ron
"your highness if what is said is true then .."I know" said alberu
"it might be a trap but if it is not then ..."
"We should accept "said Rosalyn
"I agree with Rosalyn your highness "added choi han
The crown prine looks at the group and noods and presses [Yes]
They hear the sound of a cat then everything went black . 
The rest all received similar messages  and said yes.
In the unknown realm
"Well guess it's time" the unknown entity  said "Let's greet our guests "
"Miaow " the entity smiled ...
In the cinema

In the cinema

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