Saw a dragon(1)

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“…A dragon?”
“I’ve seen something similar once.”

"A dragon!!" scream the elf
"Why am I with this trash" choi han said with a frown
"Yeah why?" Cale looked at me
" just keep watching "

‘Similar, my ass.’

Cale knew what Choi Han was talking about when he said something similar.

Forest of Darkness. He was talking about the vicious monsters deep inside the Forest of Darkness. Among those terrifying monsters were creatures that were somewhere between lizards and dragons.

Choi Han had killed that dragon-like monster as soon as he advanced from the middle stage to the final stage of his Dark Destruction Sword Art.

All the dragon in the room in even Asher felt offended by how choi han describe them.

"How do you know all that" said choi han to cale
Cale looked at him with his wine in his hand
"I don't know ask that to my other self"
Choi han growled and sit back down

The elf were looked Furious at how he described a dragon

“You did? How was it?”

Cale pretended to not know about the event, and asked Choi Han. Choi Han was the only other person in Cale’s room right now.

“…It was a monster.”
“How so?”
“Its appearance, its strength, everything. It was a monster in all aspects.”
“Is that so?”

Cale nodded his head and continued to speak.
But his actions and his words were completely opposite.

“Then you have not seen a dragon.”

"Exactly , how can you compare that thing to a dragon " scream one of the elf

“Excuse me?”
“Dragons are like people.”

Everyone was shock by what the trash said

Clack. Cale put the cup with the lemonade that was both sweet and sour down on the table.
He then responded to Choi Han, who was looking at him with curiosity.

“Dragons, Beast people, Dwarves, Elves, they are all like humans. Why? Because they also have emotions and lives.”

That aspect wasn’t important to Cale. His main point started from here.

All the different races are touch by what he said
I simrk and ask Cale
"What do you think cale"
"This is just basic , it should be obvious

"How interesting,they said that this humain is trash"said the golden dragon "


Choi Han might have noticed Cale’s sudden change in demeanor. He sat up straight and focused on what Cale had to say.

“Such an existence has fallen into darkness since it was born. The only thing currently lighting up the darkness in its life is torches, and it has never even seen the light of the sun. What kind of life do you think it is having?”

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