Chapter 1

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10 years later

Her outfit:


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Ellie's POV
I watched as Padme's royal cruiser ship landed on Coruscant's landing dock. Me, Padme, and R2 were in a yellow Naboo fighter ship. I was piloting the ship as Padme sat behind me as the gunner. R2 was behind her. I was dressed in a Nubian pilots outfits and wore helmets over our heads. Then, we exited the ship as R2 was lowered out of his spot of the ship. 

After hearing about her attempted assassination, the Senate and the Jedi Council decided to push the voting of the Military Creation Act until today. I was ordered by my Master, Mace Windu, to go to Naboo and protect Padme. I agreed with her as she was my best friend and I have the power to protect her. I did just that in the last three weeks with the bodyguard. I was able to meet up with Shmi and we talked for a while. Then, we were sent back to Coruscant for the voting. 

For extra precaution, Captain Typho had us dress as pilots as Corde would pretend to be Padme. We watched as they exited out of the cruiser with a group of guards around her. 

"We made it. I guess I was wrong. There was no danger at all." Captain Typho spoke. 

Then, I felt a rumble in the Force and raced over to grab Corde just before the ship exploded from within. Me, her, and the guards went flying as the ship destroyed to pieces. I fell to the ground as Corde was on top of me. Padme tore off her helmet as she races towards us while Corde took off my helmet. I was in little pain but still alive. 

"Eliza... thank you." Corde whispered. 

"You did your duty, Corde." I told her as I sat up. 

"Ellie, Corde! Are you two okay?!" Padme cried as she kneeled down next to us. 

"She saved me, my lady." Corde told her. 

"I told you coming here was a bad idea." I assured her. 

"I know but this vote is very important. I'm sorry you couldn't save everyone, but they did their duty as you did yours. Come on, we're not out of the woods yet." Padme assures me. 


We went to Padme's apartment where I was able to get patched up and changed into my new Jedi Senator robes because I want to be as comfortable as I can without getting hot. 

"Ellie, are you ready?" Padme asked as she and Captain Typho came into my guest room that I was staying. 

"I'm alright. How's Corde doing?" I asked. 

"Still shaking up. It will take her time to recover." Padme told me. 

"I hope so. Let's go." I nodded. 



"I don't know how much longer I can hold off the vote, my friends." Palpatine said to the Jedi Council. "More and more star systems are joining the separatists." 

"If they do break away-" Master Windu began to say. 

"I will not let this Republic that has stood for a thousand years be split in two. My negotiations will not fail." Palpatine interrupted. 

"If they do, you must realize there aren't enough Jedi to protect the Republic." Master Windu informed. "We are keepers of peace, not soldiers."

"Master Yoda," Palpatine said, getting his attention. "Do you think it will really come to war?" 

"Hmm, the Dark Side clouds everything." Master Yoda said. "Impossible to see the future is." 

A hologram of one of the Palpatine's servants appeared on his desk and informed him that the Loyalist Committee has arrived. 

"Good. Send them in." He said as the hologram disappeared. "We will discuss this matter later." 

Palpatine stood up as Master Yoda got up from his seat and the rest of the Jedi Council follow suit. Ellie, Padme, and the rest of the Senators walked in as Master Yoda walked up to them. 

"Senator Amidala, your tragedy on the landing platform terrible. Seeing you alive brings warm feelings to my heart." He said to her. 

"Do you have any idea who was behind these attacks?" She asks him. 

"Our intelligence points to disgruntled spice miners on the moons of Naboo." Master Windu explains to her before looking at Ellie, "It's so good to see you again, my Padawan. 

"You too, Master. Senator Amidala and I believe that Count Dooku was the one who was behind the attacks." I spoke up. 

"He is a political idealist, not a murder." Master Ki-Adi Mundi told Ellie. 

"Regardless, I want to find out who is behind these attacks and put a stop to it. After the voting, we can go on a mission to find them, Master." Ellie declared. 

"Slow down, Padawan. Count Dooku was once a Jedi. He couldn't assassinate anyone. It's not in his character." Master Windu told her. 

"For certain, Senator Amidala, in grave danger you are." Master Yoda added. 

"Master Jedi..." Palpatine spoke as he glazed out the window. "May I suggest the Senator be placed under the protection of your graces." 

"Do you really think that's a wise decision under these stressful times?" Senator Organa spoke. 

"Chancellor, if I may comment, I'm a Jedi and can protect the Senator just fine. We don't believe the situation is-' Ellie spoke but the Chancellor cuts her off, "-is that serious?" He questioned. 

"No. But I do, my dear Eliza." Palpatine walked forward as Master Yoda eyes him carefully. "I realize all too well that additional security might be disruptive for you, but perhaps someone you're very familiar with. An old friend, like Master Jinn and Master Kenobi." 

"That's possible." Master Windu said, agreeing with Palpatine. Ellie looked at him with a glare. "They just returned from a border dispute on Ansion." 

"No! Are you serious?!" Ellie complains. "She doesn't need additional protection; I can do it just fine! I-" 

"Padawan Cullen." Master Windu said sternly. "I know you do not like the idea of this, but your safety and the Senator's comes first. You are far too important to lose after what happened at the landing platform today. Please understand where we are coming from. It is not because we do not believe in your skills and capability as a Jedi. It is because we do not want to lose our Butterfly and only Jedi Senator." 

Ellie let out a sigh as she realized that she won't escape from this. 

"Do it for me, my ladies. The thought of losing both of you to this is.... unbearable." Palpatine pleaded. 

Ellie and Padme looked at each other as they realized that they have no choice but agree to this, despite their refusal. 

"I will have Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan report to you immediately, Senator." Master Windu said to Padme. 

"Thank you, Master Windu." Padme sighed, bitterly.

"As for you, Eliza, we will have to continue to pause on your training but continue to train what I have taught you in your free time." Master Windu told Ellie. 

"Yes, Master." Ellie sighed.

"I understand your frustration, but we cannot continue your training if you are killed, young Padawan. Please have patience. I promise we will start back when this is all over." Master Windu said to her as he place a reassuring hand on her shoulder. 

"Yes, Master." 

"May the Force be with you." 

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