Meet Gill and the fish tank gang

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Shrimp- Bonjour

Arabella jumpes bsck

Arabella- Ahh !

Malikai: You guys can talk?

The pufferfish turned back to normal amd speaks in a deep friendly voice

Bloat- Of course we do !

The female humbug swam over

Deb- Awwww , they look so big !

Pentol: Hello there

Deb- Im Deb and this is my friend !

Deb points at her reflection !

Deb- Hi how are ya ?

Bloat- Dont mind her. She's been here longer. Im Bloat.

Then Tops blew a few bubbles and the yellow fish popped out

Bubbles- BUBBLES!!!!

Bubbles swam fast to him

Bubbles- Bubbles ! Bubbles ! Bubbles !

Morty: Who's that?

Peach sticks her face out

Peach- He's Bubbles. He likes Bubbles

Axelle: And you are?

Peach- Im Peach! The shrimp guy is Jacques, the purple one freaking out is Gurgles.

Bloat- Don't mind him he's a germophobic

Morty: I see

Peach- So why are you here today? Root canal ? Toothache ?

Morty: I have a cavity...

Peach- Ouch...

Bloat- That's gonna hurt.

Gurgle- But don't worry ! They give you a shot so you can feel no pain

Morty: Ah!

Arabella- Calm down Morty

Morty is panicking*

Malikai: So is this all of you in the tank?

Bloat- Well... One more of us... But he doesn't like coming out that much

Malikai: Who?

???- Me...

They looked*

They look and see an older male Moorish idol came out ftom behind the skull.

Tigs: Ooh

The moorish idol swam up to them

Malikai: Hello there

Gill- Hey...

Ludel: You seem upset in that tank

Gill- I am. I wasn't born here I was taken from the ocean.

Pentol: Huh?

Gill turned to the right allowing thme to see his horrible scars on the right side of his cheek to his neck and gil area along with his torn up fin

They gasped*

Gill- That's all for trying to escape this place.

Pentol: Have you guys tried playing dead?

Gill- Done that.

Jason: Knew it.

Malikai: Well you'll guys be free someday.

The lady came out: Mr Malikai?

Malikai: King Malikai, yes?

Lady- Mr. Sherman is ready to see Morty now

Morty: *gulp* Okay

Jason: Me and Rocky better come in too, just in case he goes nuts in there

The three of them went in .

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