Serverus's ex

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With the heroes....

They stopped the boat*

Jake: So the shell bowl should be below us

Manic: So what's the plan?

Maisie: Well we can't go all together, cause the guards might know you guys and they will capture you guys

Savy: Good point

Maisie: So me and my three friends Esmeralda, Buffy, Jenny, Gill and his friends and Paopao and his friends will go there to see what's going on

Jenny- Yeah

Gill: Okay, we'll come with you guys

Maisie and the three girls put helmets on, Maisie put a water camera in her pocket so the others can see what's going on*

Aoqi: Let's do this!

In the shell bowl....

Queen Kraitia , her little slave Draga the female lion fish amd few of the free evil fish watch

The Sea croc Olesto, the swordfish Cranks, the crab Kerbaub, the clam Sir Plievio, and the three legged toad Golden toad sit in their chairs*

The catfishes blew a fanfare*

Catfishes: All hail the dragon king, King Serverus and his future queen Princess Sonia!

Serverus slithers in with Sonia*

They clapped as Kraitia sees Sonia and hissed hatefully

Sonia sees her and whimpers, Serverus holds Sonia close*

Kraitia-( Lowly ) Hi....

Serverus: Kraitia, I see your doing okay....

Kraitia- Apparently you are too.... With that... Land mammal...

Sonia whimpers*

Serverus: My magic mirror said she's the one who can make me a real dragon under the blue moon. The last blue moon you tried with me didn't work.

Kraitia- I see you havent changed your attitude or your hormones. How typical..

Serverus: I haven't, you didn't move on?

Kraitia-( Sourly ) No. Not one bit..... At least I focused on my own subjects and not my heat.

Serverus growls: Sit down next to my chair Sonia

Lobby helps Sonia get on the royalty seat*

Kraitia smirks mockingly as she slithered slowly and closer to confront him

Sonia looks*

Kraitia- Well ? Did your hideous bumps you hide with that fake hood or did they... Change...?

Serverus: Those bumps are from me using the dragon horn!

Kraitia- Are you sure ?

He feels itchiness and pain

Serverus: Itchy! Itchy!

Kraitia- What have you been doing Severus? How many girls did you screw around with ?

Serverus: None!

Kraitia- Don't lie. Was it Sonia ?

Serverus: Yes!

Kraitia- No no no. You didnt get it from her. You got it from a female sea snake.

Serverus: You are lying!

Kraitia- No I gave you them bumps. It was that drink I gave you before I left your place for good. I put my special venom in it so you can see how painful it feels to be hurt.

Serverus: What?!

Kraitia- So how does it feel Serverus ? Not so fun when you get hurt by someone else isnt it ?

Serverus is scratching: Itchy! So itchy!

Kraitia- You deserve what you gotten. Maybe you should think twice befpre breaking someone's heart. ESPECIALLY for a land mammal !

Sonia sees him itchy, she put her hand on his tail and rubbed it and heals the bumps with her magic*

Serverus: Ah... much better...

Kraitia is shocked and growls.

Kraitia- Literal land bitch!

Serverus growls and holds Sonia close: She is my future queen!

Kraitia-( Scoffed carelessly) I seen prettier. And looks like a filthy land mammal to me.

Serverus: This is why I dumped you, you acted so bitchy and only care about your royal duties!

Kraitia- Well at least I DO care about my loyal duties and not my dick like you! (at Sonia ) Im sorry honey. You're just going to be a little sex toy to him. That's all you'll ever be

Sonia sighs sadly: I know

Serverus: She's mate future mate, now I suggest you leave!

why I even dropped by is to rub the sea salt in your wounded scales , you and that floozy deserve it.

Kraitia then leaves as she sees her sea snake friend Hebira flirting wkth Olesto

Olesto smirks: Ooh la la...

Hebira giggles

Heibira- Sea snakes have such powerful venom~ even stronger than a rattlesnake's~

Olesto: Do tell...

Hebiria's eyes sparkle as she flirts with him

Hebira- We prefer to stay in the water since its a more easy movement for us. And I never ever seen such a handsome sea croc like u~

Olesto chuckles*

Heviria- What makes it hotter is that two mortal reptile enemies : Snakes.... And Crocodiles....

Olesto: Ooh

Hebira continues as she gently coils her body around him

Olesto smiles: Want to sit down next to me to watch the show?

Hebiria- I dont mind~

With Maisie , Jenny , and the others dove down and the fish swam down into the water

Jenny- Okay we're now what ?

Esmeralda: There's the shell bowl!

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