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A Poem by Ella Beyer 


I promise myself that I will float 

Put on a sky blue two piece bathing suit 

And take off the armor that is the things I cannot control 

Walking up to the water, I will dip my toe

I'm scared, but that is okay 

Life is scary 

I slowly dip each lim into the crystalized lake 

Everything from my bruised knees 

To my sunburnt shoulders 

Up to my freckled rosy cheeks 

Taking a deep breath, I will tilt my crooked spine into a plank 

And float 

Looking up I will see things I've never even dared to stop and look at 

Birds, Evergreen trees, a bumble bee 

I will smell the oak bark, wet grass, lavender

And hear a light breeze, the still water staying silent 

The only thing that is moving is the beating of my own heart 

Thump, thump, thump 

I let my chapped lips widen into a crescent smile 

I am choosing to be here 

In this moment 

Right now 




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