☆*: .。.Rise and Shine!!.。.:*☆

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      I heard the monitor ding. "Ergh..." I groaned as I sat up, rubbing my head. "Rise and Shine Ursine!!" The remaining cubs sang happily. I got up and stretched. I felt so tired for some reason. "Morning Oma-chan!" a jovial voice cheered. I yelped looking at the right side of my room and seeing none other than Saihara himself standing there happily. My face heated up and I immediately said, "When did you get in here?!" Saihara tilted his head, "Eh?! You invited me here! Surely you haven't forgotten!!" he wailed.

       "Ah, well-" I sighed. He stopped his crocodile tears and then glared at me coldly. "You seriously forgot?!" he yelped. I stared blankly for a moment tracking back my memories, "Oh right!" I exclaimed. Saihara seemed to sigh in..relief? I sat silently for a moment. Surely he hadn't stayed here all night..Right? "Wait..how long have you even been here?.." I asked, just to make sure. I sorta didn't want him to think I forced him to stay here- He could leave anytime he felt better. "Well- I left to go get some shorts and boxers from my dorm then came back then went to Kaito's dorm and yelled into his door to scare him THEN I came back and slept on the floor!" he said jovially. 

      I sat still for a moment trying to process the bucket load of information he just gave me. "So..You slept here?.."

"Uhh yeah!! Didn't I make that clear?" Saihara replied with a know it all tone. I rolled my eyes and got out of my bed. "Erm- I sorta need to get changed so..." I sighed. "Aww you're gonna kick me out like that?!" he'd whine loudly. "Ah well- please?" I tried to say in a kind tone. "Fineee," He slammed the door shut. I sighed and then headed to my closet, only my uniform and a spare copy was there. I didn't have much of a choice but to wear my uniform. I took of my pjs and got dressed swiftly, I combed my hair with my fingers and then checked for any stray buttons. Coast clear. I opened the door and to my surprise, Saihara wasn't there. I guess that's a good thing..I mean, he won't be bugging me or whatever. I was walking over to the dining hall when I suddenly got a slap on the back. 

"Heya sidekick!" boomed a masculine voice. "Ah- Good morning Momota-kun." I replied. Jeez, that hurt. We walked into the dining hall and saw about more than half of the students. Yumeno was speaking to Shirogane but it seems like Chabashira was bugging her. "Ergh..I'm hungry.." was all I could hear from the magician. My stomache growled, I guess my stomache agreed with Yumeno. It wouldn't hurt to eat a bit would it? Tojo came out with plates beyond plates of omurice, somehow she balanced them all perfectly on her arms. She passed one out to everybody. The sight of the food made me mouth water. "Thank you!" said Momota-kun happily. Tojo dipped her head and said "Enjoy,". I dug in without hesitation. Somehow tasted like the best thing I've ever had. I'm not sure if it's because I was starving or not.


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