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Two Days Later..

"Your chin is looking better" Keith commented from where he stood leaning against the counter, Katie sitting on one of the chairs and doing something on her halo.

Katie tensed for a mere second before unconsciously lifting her hand to her chin and feeling the scabs forming over the graze. It didn't sting anymore and she knew it would heal soon enough. 

"It still caused me hell for my day life. I couldn't exactly hide it up like I do with my other wounds or bruises under my clothing. I had to make sure to stay home, stop anyone from questioning over the graze and causing trouble" Katie grumbled back as she swiped her halo, closing it down and sitting up in the counter chair better. Glaring at a spot on the counter as if it just insulted her very own mother before her very eyes. 

"It was still a shock to see you hurt. I know you get roughed up like the rest of us but I haven't actually seen you bleed together. It's nice to know that you're not an actually android but a living being" Keith admits casually as he rests his chin in his palm, looking to his friend as he's never expect to see her get hurt, not where they could actually stare at the wound on full display. The gaze was small but it was proof that she could bleed, that she was able to get hurt and stood without no powers unlike the rest of them. 

"How are you holding up? I hear you gained one hell of a splitting headache due to the android using your uncles powers against you" Katie asked, worried for her friend as she wasn't sure how the whole metal powers thing worked but she knew both Keith and Thace got hit with something nasty by the android using their own powers against them. 

"My head was .. funky for all of yesterday but It's okay now. Sleeping helped and I'm back to normal. We communicate through mind links a lot on mars and younglings can't always control their own powers so mind screaming happens more often than some think. Makes me more immune than those on earth" Keith answered with a grimaced as he brought his free hand to his forehead, checking he didn't have a fever anymore. He felt much better and his mind was healed again but the resting period yesterday wasn't fun for him. 

"I'm glad. I know how hard it is to heal a broken mind" Katie faintly smiled back, her hidden eyes filling with relief for him. 

"Speaking over broken minds, have you spoken with him since .. well, since that night" Keith quietly and carefully asked as he looked to her with worry, knowing that barely anyone had came to the castle since they returned from the mission. Moods were mixed and emotions were high. Lance had only came to the castle yesterday to pick up his googles he had left behind by mistake. Hunk came in, checking the castle was still standing before leaving again. Ulaz and his uncle had stayed up in their room, never leaving once. 

"No. Today was my first time back in the castle. I've purposely kept my distance. Not just from him but everyone. I don't allow myself to get hurt, not so openly. Than having to report him after I told him that I didn't see him as a mission. I just.. I needed a break from everyone's pitying eyes. Stuck with just Batman and Gotham" Katie replies with a frown, frustration clear in her voice and she scrunches her hands in her thigh. 

"He feels really bad. I can sense it. His emotion of guilt and self hatred is pouring out of him and almost choking me half the time. I've been purposely staying away from his room just to escape his flowing emotions" Keith confesses as he hasn't been reading their friend mind but Takashi guilt and emotions have been pouring out of him, drowning Keith senses. 

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