.048. (Part 3)

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"S-Superboy" Katie stuttered out, having to clear her voice a little and try to stop nervously shuffling on the roof. 

"Yeah?" Shiro asked as he turned towards her, wondering if there was something missed out on their plan or he's forgotten something already. 

"You don't have to do this ... it's dangerous" Katie awkwardly offered as she kept her gaze straight on the mother ship ahead of them. 

"Taking on the mother ship is dangerous for all of us" Shiro grinned back, an amused but light chuckle escaping his lips as he glanced towards her, knocking his shoulder into her own. 

"I could try rethinking-" Katie started to say before being cut off by him before she had the chance to go any further. 

"Don't. I trust you, Pidgin. Trust in me to play the perfect distraction this time around. I am the biggest threat in our team right now" Shiro promised with a gentle look, turning his body to fully face her and hoping to give her as much comfort as possible. 

"Don't worry so much, he'll be fine. And if they do catch him than he'd just be teleported inside like the other's were. We'll have him back with us in no time" Lance reassured as he flung his arm over his shorter friend's shoulder. 

"We should start the plan straight away. The longer we hesitation the more lives lost" Thace spoke up as he stepped closer to the three with Keith by his side. 

"Not lost. They're inside. Imprisoned but safe" Lance perked up as he reminded them over the facts. 

"Whenever you're ready sups" Keith weakly smiled, patting his friend's arm and nodding for him to get going. 

"Take care" Katie whispered, knowing his super hearing would pick up on it.

"Be careful" Shiro called out over his shoulder, his gaze falling on her before he super jumped towards the mother ship to start attacking and act as bait for them to sneak in. 

Everyone took a hard hit when Hunk didn't make it out of the Garrison with them. He had shoved Thace into the Zeta-tube before he had the chance to be scanned, knowing the team would need a paladin on their side. One of Pidgin's escrima sticks were in his hands and everyone turned to witness the explosion as Thace stumbled out of the tube behind them in an dirty, smelly and dark alleyway. 

But Hunk death also gave them a slap to the face, forced them to get their heads in the game as they couldn't risk losing anyone else. Or have anyone else teleported towards the mother ship since they were low of powers as it was. 

Katie stepped up with a plan. They needed a way inside and the ship's lanes were the only weakness they could use to sneak in. But it meant a bigger threat needed to be spotted attacking the outside of the mother ship to gain the flight lanes to open up and release more machines to defend itself. 

That's where Shiro was coming in. 

He held Superman blood and was so far the biggest power they had in the team. Thace was still weak and confused over the whole matter making him have to mostly stick with Keith for support, physically and mentally. Lance was lost in his dreamland over finding everyone safe and alive inside the mother ship forcing Katie to relay her trust on Shiro acting as bait. He agreed, rather quickly as he preferred him to be in the most danger than her. 

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