|:The Meeting of the Brothers/the Blackmail:| #4

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Connie laid in her son's bed curled up on her side staring at her photo album on her phone flipping through Joan's baby photos photos of her head husband photos of camomile holding a puppet plush when she was younger. Connie woke up an hour ago, her dark circles less noticeable. As to why she was on her son's bed? She wanted to be close to him even if he was staying with her friend James. " stuid.. just had to tell him, God I'm an idiot" connie mumbles, A mist comes from the mirror in joans room as a voice could be heard "Well, why the long face, dear?" Fantoccio asks as he can be seen in the mirror. Connie looks up from her son's pillow and looks up at fantoccio with a sniffle. " ... nothing you wouldn't wanna know. It doesn't really involves you anyway, I doubt you really care" connie says before turning over so her back is facing fantoccio

"Now, who said I won't care? i mean yeah, i'm not a fone of humans, but you're. . .special in a way" Fantoccio says as he puts his arm behind his back as he straightened up " I said you wouldn't care, no one other than James really cares about how I feel or really anything about me. I don't have time to make friends anymore... I haven't had a date since Joan was born. So yeah I doubt anyone would care about a person like me no matter how 'special' I am which I'm not!" Connie says burying her was into the pillows. Fantoccio sighs as his footsteps could be heard as he walks through the mirror, He walks over to Joan's bed as he sits on the edge of the bed "i'm a man of my word, why would i lie?" "I don't know... I just don't see why you should care" Connie mumbles curling up into a tighter ball around her son's pillow "if I told you why I'm upset I don't know if Joan's life would be in danger or not" why would i harm a child? I may hate humans, but children are harmless" Fantoccio says, as he leans backwards as he uses his arms to keep himself up, Connie sighed and sat up glaring at fantoccio "because my son's father killed your lover from what I heard from you. And apparently was cheating on me with that lover." Connie grumbles. ". . .you- you mean that joans father is. . ." Fantoccio looks at Connie with shock but his face softens "oh. . .look dear, if that is the case why would i harm jaon and you? you never knew that he was with her back then, plus joan was a child he had nothing to do with it, nore you for that matter" Fantoccio says as he sits back up

" I'm not worried about you hurting me, I'm worried about Raoul. I was forced to ditch him at work today because he was flirting with me. I decided to sit down and talk to him a bit, ask him a few questions ... but I ducked up and told him about his son. Now he has a reason to be in my life. He can take me to court and demand visiting rights if he wants! " Connie ranted pulling at her hair. Fantoccio thinks "well, then stay with me?" Fantoccio suggested "I mean, no one knows where i live '' Connie shakes her head and rubs her arms" don't think so Joan wouldn't have a hard time settling in and we would still need to come back here to go to school and work. It wouldn't do much if he saw us walk through a mirror." Connie says, looking at the mirror in the room. "Well, William used to be a teacher before I met him, '' Fantoccio says as he thinks of a way to help Connie, " if Williams was even able to stay focused on that I would say yes I know what he was. I treated him for almost two months. He's not mentally stable enough to sit down and teach joa. without going into a ramble about something else." Connie says, looking at fantoccio.* "If he was stable, I would love for him to teach joan.. " "True. . .wait" Fantoccio then starts to think "I know someone that can tho" connie raises a brow and leans forward " I'm listening." "my little brother can so can my twin" Fantoccio says as he thinks about it some more

" you have a twin?" Connie asked in surprise. "and a little brother??" "Yes, I do, but we'll get to that later for now I have someone to call" Fantoccio says as he gets up "I think you would like to meet them?" Fantoccio asks, Connie gets up and looks down at their nightgown. " If they don't care what I wear then yes." Fantoccio nods as he walks over to the mirror as he walks through it, to his living room, Connie sighs and walks through the mirror after fantoccio.

{𝒯𝒽𝑜𝓊𝑔𝒽𝓉𝓈 𝒾𝓃𝓉𝑜 𝒮𝓉𝑜𝓇𝒾𝑒𝓈} |By @Frind the Shapeshifter|Where stories live. Discover now