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Annoyed and half asleep,satou slams the top of his alarm,successfully making it shut up

"Y does it have to be morning already" He thought as he moved his hand under his pillow,searching for his beloved tech companion ( his phone).

Finding it, by reflex, he turns it on.
The screen lit bright, showing a big 11:00 at the top,followed by various chat notifications he apparently opened beforehand as the 'recieved' indicated.
He decided that he should respond to his early-rising friends, and so he did, except he started with someone who is not exactly "Just a friend".

[The show is today,will u be there?]
- delivered 3 hours
Inner monologue (Satou)-
Ughhhhhh, wtfffff we don't talk or see eachother for 2 weeks and the first thing u say is "WiLLYoUBEThErE"????????
Do you think I wanna be there????
I know damn well u wouldn't want to.
I guess I have t reply though, delivered for 3 hours is enough for him to realise he did something wrong,right?
Satou- idk I might be busy, of I go I might be late
inner monologue (Satou)-
I'm a fucking genius,I'm fucking genius,MUM IM A FUCKING GENIUS!!!!
I hope future me will be able to make the right decision about this
[K, I hope that u can make it]
Inner monologue( Ue)
Is he trying to turn me down without hurting my feelings? No, he wouldn't turn me down without a reason he can explain he probs forgot today was the day of the concert n made plans,anyway there is still a chance of him coming, right?
I'll do my best to practice for him, After all the whole reason I did this was for him

[I'm sure u heard from that ue-bastard about tonight,will u be there?]
- delivered 2 hours
Inner monologue (Hiragi)-
2 hours,2 FUCKING HOURS!!!!!
Inner monologue (Satou)-
Fuuuuuuuck , I forgot I opened his message he'll make me buy him something next time we're out,how much money do I have left this month?
Inner monologue (Hiragi)-
This response! he better have a bottomless wallet

[I hope to see you tonight but, don't force yourself]
Delivered 3min
Inner monologue (shizu)-
I hope he comes , I'll show him and everyone that my passion for music is not just because of Hiragi.
[I have some plans today so I might not make it, I hope i can tho]
Inner monologue (Satou)-
For all the time I have known him, I still wonder how he is always so genuine, does he never second guess himself thinking others opinions of him?
Than again we have known eachother long enough to have no thoughts behind our words and actions to eachother

After closing his eyes once again, fantasising of a day where he has no plans or obligations whatsoever, he got up. He headed towards his closet picking out a hanger with all the parts needed for a suit. He went back to his bed , the very same one he wishes he could go and lay on,and lays the suit there instead of himself.
Not many people knew this but Satou LOVED cold showers,especially in the morning.Even more so on a mildly hot summer morning, just as the one today.

However, even though it was the perfect setup for a good day,it was a day celebrating the birth of the worst assholelystical bastard in the fucking multiverse, the birthday of the most manipulative,abusive,toxic, shitty man he ever met,his father.
The reason behind 90% of his trauma.

When Satou was a child and, the bastard wasn't in jail yet,he thought it was his fault that he was so unhappy. That it his fault he wasn't allowing to speak,that someone like him shouldn't be able to speak . That it was his fault his perents were unhappy.That they were on the verge of divorce.

Fortunately, soon enough he was able to realise the reality of his life,that he was a victim.
He was not the one at fault. That said, Experiencing all of this made him realise something, no one should have to deal with what he went through, and that whatever kind of sick mf does that shit to their kids is a fucking monster. And his "father" is a prime example of this kind of monster.

So to "celebrate" this monsters birthday he goes to see him dressed well,in expensive clothes, with a good mood,and looking to be
in a much better position than him.
why? Revenge?Spite?
He didn't know, but it sure as hell felt good,and the better Satou feels,the worse his Father feels.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2022 ⏰

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