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What the actual fuck? Biting down harshly on my bottom lip I Inwardly scream to myself as I stand here in front of the glass door leading to the pool out back. I'm pacing back and forth, my fingers digging into my sides like a manic as I resist the urge to pull out my hair from the roots of my head. Why on god's earth had I agreed to do that and more so Why does it look like Lorenzo is seconds from devouring me hold. Freezing in spot at the light shrill of goosebumps that ran up my spine and hairs that stood up my neck I see non other than the devil himself. His gaze locked on mine and eyes burning a whole straight through the shades of his glasses and into my skull.

I swallow softly, taking a deep breathe and grasp the handle, opening the glass and setting a barely composed, quivering foot onto the wooden porch. It takes only a minute or two for me to make it under the shed where the kids stood at Enzo's foot chewing at the sandwiches I'd finished for them, though it feels like a lifetime had passed due to the purposefulness of the slow strides I took. Being around Lorenzo made me nervous. Not of himself but of the things I could and would do when around him. My hand subconsciously begins to rub at the already tender spot on my thigh, rubbing away his touch from me. The guilt. The adultery. My eyes lock with his and I know for a fact they don't share the same glimmer of guilt shimmering underneath the schemes of mine and Im left dumbstruck on why.

People cheat all the time but not once had I ever seen someone that didn't even care to put up a facade to at least even pretend to feel some sense of remorse. Samantha is a good person, a great mother and so far in my eyes a great wife too. She doesn't deserve this happening to her, he doesn't deserve her. Someone clears there throat and I blink before coming to my senses and quickly work at averting my gaze. I look to the man before me that I think name's was Chase.

Looking to be late 20's like Lorenzo himself he has a lean frame, chiseled face tousled blonde hair and deep blue eyes that etch in concern and I furrow my brows at it.

"Are you ok?" I make a sound of confusion and he gestures to my leg, looking down I see my hand still subconsciously itching and rubbing at my thigh so much the skin looks seconds from bleeding. I immediately stop, dropping my hand to my waist before letting out a slight laugh and waving him off.

"Yeah I'm fine.... just a itch," he nods though I can see he doesn't truly believe me as his eyes flash to lorenzo in a look of questioning and my heart rate picks up. Did he tell them about us?

I look to him meeting his gaze brows furrowed a silent question falling off my lips to which he shrugs off and I hiss silently at him. Fucking hell.

"Elena!" Ivbar Enzo's son squeals out excitedly and my scold quickly melts to a soft smile as I see his bright one, eyes glimmering with a bit of mayo on his cheek.

"Hey buddy," I say stooping down to his level as he moves from Enzo's side running towards me.

"I finished my food like you ask," he replies raises his completely empty plate and I grin running a hand through his dark curls.

"I can see that, calls for a little reward don't ya think?" He nods immediately, smile widening.

"Well then your in luck because I happen to have spied Mrs. Reid sneaking a box of candies this morning," my tone is light and teasing as I say so watching his eyes glimmer.



"Can I have some?" Nodding I rise slowly to my feet. "Of course you can Im sure your mother is willingly to share," he makes way pass me but I stop him. "But if mommy is sharing then you have to share with your sister as well right?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2023 ⏰

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𝐆𝐔𝐈𝐋𝐓𝐘 𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐄 (18+) ✎Where stories live. Discover now