Chapter 1 *Origins*

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Our story begins with a young boy sitting in a doctor's office with his mother, after hearing some of the worst news of his life.

The boy was 5 years old, green unruly hair and a very scrawny build. He also had 4 freckles on each cheek in the shape of a diamond and deep emerald green eyes.He was holding an All Might action figure but had dropped it on the ground when the doctor said the news.

"I am sorry ma'am but your son will be quirkless, he should just give up on trying to be a hero, it really is for the best." The doctor said with what seemed like a small amount of...was that glee?

"No I am sorry sir but what do you mean for the best? My son has always wanted to be a hero ever since he first learned what a hero was....are you saying that just because he doesn't have something that is out of his control that he can't do what he wants to do?"

The woman was none other than Inko Midoryia, the mother of one Izuku Midoryia, who at this point was almost catatonic from hearing the news. What would his father think....what would his friends think?

Inko was giving the doctor the dirtiest of glares as he spoke. "Well you see Ma'am as a quirkless he would just be in the way as a hero and would probably get the real heroes killed...." The man stopped when he felt the pure killing intent wafting off of the mother. "I think we are done here.." She said as she stood up and took her son by their hand. Walking out of the office and to the street Inko looked down at her son who had not said a word or even made a noise since the doctor said that he was quirkless. Getting into the car and driving home was all she could do for him.

As soon as they got home Izuku ran into his room and shut the door not wanting to talk to anyone or do anything. Almost two hours later Inko quietly walked into the room to see her son on the computer watching his hero's debut. All Might, the number one hero of Japan, and some say the world. She stood there watching her son until a small voice, horse after crying so much asked. "Mommy....he is so cool...can i be a hero...just like All Might?" Inko looked at her son, her only child....she wanted to tell him she was sorry, that she was sorry that she could

not give him a quirk...that maybe he could be a doctor...they save people right? But she knew that would only cause him to fall deeper into despair. So mustering her courage she looked at him while she knelt down to make sure she could look him in the eyes.

"Izuku, you can be whatever you want to be. All it takes is faith in yourself and making sure you work hard and have the proper training. I promise you Izuku that I will always have faith in you and I will make sure that I can do whatever I can to make sure your dream can come true." She smiled warmly and pulled him into a tight Mama bear hug. Izuku smiled and for the first time since they left the doctors office he had hope for the future.

That night they went online to look up heroes that have quirks that are not suited for combat. Some more notable names being Sir nighteye, Ereasurhead, and even Midnight, though Inko didn't let Izuku look too much up on her. After a good amount of time they both went to bed after having a very exhausting day, both with hope......and fear for what the next few days would bring.


It was 1:00 AM when Inko called Hisashi and told him their son was quirkless. The doctor had him tested and found that there was no hope of even a recessive quirk that could appear later in life. Hisashi was fully tempted to drop everything and go back to his hurting family.

They needed him more than ever but he had worked so hard to get where he was now. The slightest leave of absence would push the project further back and he would lose more time that he could not afford.

Maybe now was the time to get his son something to take his mind off of the lack of quirk. His Inko would never allow him to send Izuku into self-defense classes as his age but gymnastics would allow him to keep the flexibility of youth and hone his body for further physical pursuits. Especially since his son seemed adamant about becoming a Hero.

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