Chapter 3 *Entrance Exam*

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Soon it was time for the Entrance Exam for Izuku, Mina, and Kirishima while Momo was taking the Recommendation Exam. Izuku had also been offered a recommendation, but turned it down. After everything, he still believes he needs to earn his way into the Hero school. Izuku was wearing his gift from Kirishima his black pants, trademark red shoes, and his tight green Muscle shirt that had shown off his admirable hard work. He wore his leather jacket to keep his arms covered until it was time for the physical portion of the exam.

"The Hell are you doing here, Deku!?" the unmistakable barking of Katsuki growled as the group had prepared to enter the gate. Izuku ignored the demeaning nickname, and the others had looks of annoyance on their faces. They all paid no mind towards the other boy, and proceeded to walk in without even acknowledging his existence.


Izuku blew through the written portion of the exam with ease though he wouldn't say the same for Mina and went to wait for the next portion in the auditorium. It was packed. But that was to be expected for the entrance exam of UA High School.
He had been sitting there for about half an hour before the others finished their written exams.

Present Mic entered the room and got everyone's attention. He took a good look around the room once before, noting some of the applicants that stood out. His eyes landed on a group that was very hard to miss, especially as they were sitting beside each other. A boy with red, spiky hair, sitting beside two unique individuals. One of the individuals had green hair. The other was the girl beside them because she was entirely pink. "Can I get a 'YEEEAAAAAHHHH?!" The Voice Hero called out to the audience.

Izuku looked to his friends, and they together yelled. "YEEEAAAAAHHHH!"

Present Mic smiled and pointed at them. "Thank you for your enthusiasm young listeners." Then he started talking to them and told them about the exam. Present Mic said that its pretty basic. Destroy robots. Get points. He had just finished explaining about the 3 pointer when he got interrupted by a member of the audience, a rather loud, bespectacled boy with blue hair, going on about there being four robots on the handout. Present Mic set him straight by explaining he was getting to that. The boy apologized before sitting back down. Once Present Mic finished the presentation, it was time for the exam.

Eventually, they were given their testing sites. Sadly they all were assigned to different testing sites.
But that was pretty much explained by the fact that people from the same schools weren't generally placed in the same testing site. They all promised to meet at the front gate of the school afterward.


When he exited the bus and Izuku walked over to the locker area to place his coat inside one before walking towards the entrance area. He started to stretch to loosen up his muscles before going all out during the exam.

He stood at the gates of the fake city. They were just waiting on the practical exam to start. Izuku couldn't help but wonder how Mina and Kirishima were holding up, but he believed in them. Still didn't make him any less worried about them. They were his friends after all.

He considered how to best approach the task at hand. Being able to wield about 30-35 % of One for All would make combating robots fairly easy. The biggest obstacle was the two Quirks from previous users he had unlocked less than 3 months ago. It had happened during one of his meditations. During it, he had entered a black area, and was met by the vestiges of the previous holders.

During this, two of them had stepped forward, telling him to be prepared. The first one was a woman, that reminded Izuku a bit of his own mother, but this woman had black hair and a mole below her mouth. She was smiling to Izuku, and he could hear her say something regarding Toshinori picking well. If it weren't for the fact that Izuku had learned All Might's real name some time ago, he would have no idea who she was talking about.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2022 ⏰

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