Chapter 2

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It was their honeymoon.

Perhaps they ought to have gone sooner than five months after the wedding, but things had come up which needed to be dealt with.

Really, all that mattered was that they were on their honeymoon now. Finally, after all of the strife they'd had to put up with, they could finally relax and just be together.

Harry isn't quite sure where, exactly, they are. He knows they're somewhere in the hills of Scotland, somewhere very far from the little railroad station they arrived at. He remembers crossing a rickety wooden bridge which ran over a stream, soft greenery all around them, the sunlight warm and golden and happy. The trees, soft-looking reeds, and wild grasses swayed to a light and playful breeze. Everything seemed... tranquil and at peace. A deep, satisfied content, or an untouchable euphoria.

Really, it described Harry's current mood. "Euphoria" was an excellent word for how he felt, as he pondered where they were, and how far they had to keep walking before they stumbled on some sort of civilization. Be it muggle or wizarding, he found he didn't care.

Then again, getting lost like this, with no sense of where they were or how they could get to "civilization" had a sort in inexplicable pull. To be so lost, and so alone with the person whom he so desperately loved...

It did something funny to his insides and his heart.

"What are you thinking about?"

Harry was pulled out of his musings, most of which revolved on his wedding day and the person he loved most, by the voice he knew and loved best.

Without even looking towards the voice's owner, he quipped, "Obviously not you. I have more... important... things to think about." An obvious lie, but it was fun to rile up his beloved.

Harry's face is cupped by his beloved's other hand, and his face is turned towards the beautiful face of Draco Malfoy-Potter, his husband.

One of the pale brows rose as, simultaneously, a smirk curled his lips. Even now, through years of loving Draco, Harry still got fizzy over that smirk. Silly, but he wouldn't change it for anything.


Harry pretended obliviousness, "Whatever do you mean?" He really tried to keep the smirky grin off of his face. Really, he did.

"I know for a fact that you are always thinking of me." Why did Draco have to look so handsome, even when speaking so smugly?

It wasn't fair at all.

Still, Harry had a pretence to keep up, and he'd be damned if he was losing to his husband. The competition never faded in their relationship, and Harry hoped it never would.

"How full of yourself are you?"

Draco made a noise between a scoff and a sniff, still managing to look dignified. "A decent amount, naturally." He gave a little toss of his head, as if to clear any errant thoughts."But that is not the point."

Harry grinned shamelessly, "Oh? Then what is the point?"

"The point is, you have told me - hundreds of millions of times, actually - that I occupy each and every thought you have."

"I never said every thought..." Harry made sure to keep his expression playful and a little teasing. He hoped he was succeeding.

Draco raised his eyebrow again, "I seem to remember you saying that I occupied every single thought... Now, why would my mind come up with something like that...?"

Harry suppressed a very smug grin, and, in a sing-song voice, said, "Because you love me. You're projecting your own feelings and thoughts onto me. You always were very obsessed with me."

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