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A day has passed,l last seen him l sigh as l wake up feeling completely empty on his side of bed l got up heading towards the bathroom lm completely tired of living here l wanted to go out ,do something l stared at the mirror and l was so shocked to see how my baby has grown looks like it's almost to be 4 months huh? A tear escaped got damnit l laugh l can't wait to reveal what gender l was told lm having twins but don't know the gender yet although these past days Tay and l haven't been on best term considering he's too over protective l sigh l mean it's been a day l last saw him and its killing me not knowing where he is, could Andrew have something to do with it l know he won't stop at nothing to get what he wants,lm afraid he might do far more worse l shook myself to reality not knowing how long l been in the shower l turned it off wrapping the towel around me, l walked towards the sink brushing my teeth l decided l wanted to tie my curly hair in a high puff bun l walked to the closet l couldn't wear any of my jeans since they can't fit no more so l wore something a little more basic l decided to wear one his long t-shirt
The smell of his scent made me safe warm and calm l sigh once more l really miss him l put on some white and blue short and of course a blue hoodie with some long white socks that reached my knees and to top it off some white sneakers

Once l was done l got out of the bathroom towards my night stand grabbing my phone l raise my eyebrow to see a text from an unknown person l tap to open to see the text


I stared at the phone confused.i sat down I scroll down to see a voice note I pressed the bottom, what I heard left me in pieces


he laughed " OH Her SHE JUST THE MOTHER OF MY CHILD " he says in a cold tone

I felt my heart break no no ! I know he wouldn't say that I'm his world right?? His probably not trying to show his weakness right?? I tried to calm down and understand the situation I tried to call Taylor but no response I let out my breath I didn't know I was holding and decided to shrug it off it's obviously clear someone's trying to mess with my mind I turned off my phone leaving it on the night stand making my way out the door to find two body guards walking past the hall l made my way up to them

"Yes ma'am what do you need" he's face was emotionless foot tall like most of the men mid skin tone had light brown hair looked the same age as Luca almost all men wore black but he didn't well you kinda did wear black but different style to it which was kind of cool

"Please call me Ariana"

He nodded

"By any chance have you seen Taylor"

"No , no messages have been received"

I smile in disappointment

"But I was told that his parents will be staying for a while"

I nodded walking away I decided to head to his office and see if I could get any clue or anything at all I spent almost 15 min and I finally found it I swag the door open revealing The darkness of the room I walked straight trying but ended up bumping into chairs but thankfully it didn't hurt my belly I saw a slight of light and I walked towards the the lights I swag each curtain to the opposite side I looked back to see a marvelous view of the office as it was so modern and beautiful black with white chair that looked absolutely amazing a glass table walls painted in grey a huge glass window that you could see the whole backyard I gasp but shook myself to reality the real reason why I was here I walked into every corner but just documents I felt myself getting tired being pregnant was no joke I sat down to relax is I moved all the documents I saw some what seems like a paper that had numbers I reached down to my pockets to take my phone but nothing I rolled my eyes just fucking great I got up making my way to the door but the door opened itself showing Taylor standing there his hair was messy with a blank expression looked awfully tired what made me even worry he had blood stains not only on his button shirt but his hands I just stood there he looked at me with a confused face I walk up to him placing my hand on his cheek in my tiptoes

"Don't tell me it's-"

"It's not I'm okay"

I sigh in relief where have you been I looked straight into his eyes they were black not the colour I was used to

"I'm sorry l took long but don't worry I'm back" I could tell he wanted to wrap his arms around me but had stains

"What are you doing here"

"Well I was looking for you"

Bend Down a little and kissed my cheeks moves to my ear

'I missed you" he whispered making me making me blush he leaned close wanting to kiss me when I stopped him

"Oh no you don'"t I smirked" take a shower first" I walked past him walking back to our room he groaned following me causing me to laugh

"Hows the baby doing"

"Strong and healthy just a few more days then we can know the gender"

"I shouldn't be letting you" walk he looks at me then the front

"I'm pregnant not injured"

"I don't care if I didn't have this stain on me l would have picked you up"

I smiled soon we reached his room was closer so we both entered I walked straight to the bed while he went towards the bathroom I got into the cover and turned on the TV after 30 min he walked out and holy shit he's so fucking hot right now if l wasn't pregnant right now l would have-

"Princess your drooling" he chuckled

"No I'm not" I looked away

"I know you like what you see" he leans close

"Okay maybe"

He chuckled and walks back to the closest

"Um Tay"


"I was wondering if I could do something like work somewhere"

"Baby your pregnant"

"I know I'll take it easy I'm bored just doing nothing "

He walks out the closet walking up to me



He sighs "end of discussion" he gets into the covers kisses my belly looks me ln the eye leans in kissing with his hand on my cheek damn l missed this he tasted so good and he missed it too our kept fighting dominance but of course he won a few minutes I put away catching my breath he pull me close and whispers

I love you

Me too I mumbled as we both watched and fell asleep.....

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